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Topics - francoisvl

Pages: [1]
Technical Support / RTL-SDR Dongle and Antenna
« on: December 11, 2017, 11:36:55 am »
I managed to pull my RTL-SDR Antenna apart when I was packing up. I can't see a replacement on the website, can anyone recommend one that is easily purchasable online to replace this? I did Google, but wasn't confident which ones would work with the PAW unit.
Many thanks in advance for your assistance - I'm not at all skilled with things electronic!

Hi there - when using GPS on the iPad, the direction I'm facing is right from the get go - I assume based on the way the iPad is facing? How does the PilotAware system know which way you are facing before you start moving? It does seem to jump around a bit, even when stationary. [Edit to say I realise that is not true! You just face north on the iPad until you start moving - however, PilotAware does seem to move around a bit - am I imagining that too?]

Also, if you have GPS on your iPad is there a way to use that rather than the dongle? At the moment I am getting some GPS dropouts on the unit, which I never saw when using the iPad mini in-built GPS.

Having great fun with the unit but stuck on the ground and realise these 'issues' may just resolve when I get into the air!

Cheers and thanks for this great bit of kit.

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