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Topics - Young_C

Pages: [1]
Technical Support / What's in Rosetta version 20241006?
« on: October 25, 2024, 12:52:00 pm »
Hi All,
I've just updated the software in my PAW Rosetta unit to version 20241006.

I cannot find any information on the PilotAware website / knowledge base about it. Please could someone let me know if there are any release notes / updated operating instructions for this version?

If it is just bug fixes then I'm less concerns, but if there is some new functionality / settings then it would be useful to know.

Thanks in advance.
Chris Young

Technical Support / New FX unit
« on: May 08, 2024, 09:21:18 am »
I have a question about the new FX unit.

Is it intended for aircraft with an existing FLARM installation to enable them to see and be seen directly (i.e. without the ground network) by PilotAware equipped aircraft?

I have an existing PilotAware Rosetta installation and I'm not sure I would benefit from the FX unit, unless it allows the opposite of the above, i.e. enable me to see and be seen by directly FLARM equipped aircraft.

Please could someone clarify this.

Chris Young

Technical Support / What's in the 20230228 software release?
« on: March 11, 2023, 04:12:41 pm »
Please could someone help me to understand what is in the latest (20230228) software release. The PilotAware website appears to be out of date since it talks about "The second fantastic software release for 2022 is available now." and gives details iGRID features.

However, I cannot find any release notes for v20230228.

Thanks in advance,
Chris Young.

Technical Support / USB - RS232 Dropouts
« on: July 29, 2020, 03:34:48 pm »
I've noticed a few comms dropouts from the Rosetta unit to the Skyview Dynon. Interestingly it only seems to occur on return flights so may be temperature related. It only occurs for a few seconds at the most, but the Dynon says "Caution" and the FLARM lost shows on the screen. I think PilotAware is still alive since I heard an audio warning once when the comms was lost. Also I don't hear "PilotAware" indicating that the Rosetta is powering back up.

My Baud rate is set to 57600, but would it be more robust if this was slower or faster?

Any advice please?


Hi All,
I made a flight yesterday to Skegness, and PilotAware gave a great improvement in situational awareness. I had a close encounter with an Ikarus C42 (G-JENK) near The Wash, see video below:

I have a couple of questions about PilotAware's operation:

1. I have set the Vert Disp Range to +/- 1000' but still got audio alerts outside this range, e.g. at 0:45 on video there is one at 1200' below. Any ideas why? (I've noticed this on other occasions when flying over airfields, it seems to warn about traffic on the ground far below my level, which is a bit annoying, it would be useful if these could be suppressed.)

2. The Ikarus tracking disappeared at close range (1:17) and reappeared (1:35). I'm not sure why, perhaps the starboard wing blocked the reception to the ADS-B antenna?


Technical Support / Flight Testing new PilotAware installation
« on: June 22, 2020, 09:45:18 pm »
Hi All,
We have recently completed a permanent installation of a Rosetta unit in our RV-7.

I've been looked for methods / procedures for testing its performance in flight but couldn't find anything. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Due to the lack of traffic at the moment, I was wondering whether I could somehow measure range of the 869.5 signals to / from ground stations to check the antenna effectiveness.


General Discussion / LAA Approval of PilotAware installation?
« on: June 17, 2020, 03:50:26 pm »
Hi all,
I have purchased a Rosetta unit and a permanent installation kit. Do I need to obtain LAA approval via a LAA/MOD7 form? The clause on the LAA website says:

The permanent installation  of  transmitting avionics  into LAA  aircraft  must  be  approved  by  the  LAA.   Note that avionics equipment designed to be portable (hand-held radio, hand-held GPS, etc) do not need installation approval.

Has anyone else obtained approval? Or is the Rosetta classed as "designed to be portable"?
Best Regards,

Hi All,
I'm a Newbie who has received the Rosetta unit and awaiting the installation kit for permanent installation into my RV-7.

I have a couple of questions while I'm planning my installation:
1. Can the USB lead for the GPS mouse be removed in order to drill a small hole in the coaming to pass it through? I would prefer not to drill a large hole for the whole male USB plug. Also I would prefer not to cut and rejoin the lead.
2. In my RV-7 there is a 12V cigarette lighter socket wired to a 10A CB but this is energized with the Battery Master switch and I would prefer the Rosetta to power up with the Avionics Master switch. So I'm planning to wire a new cigarette lighter socket to a 5A CB shared with my Garmin GMA240 audio panel which has a max rating of 7.5W / 540mA @ 13.8V. The PAW info says that the socket needs to be able to supply 5.2V, 2.1A, so on the face of it I should be OK with this plan? Does anyone have any further details on power draw nominal / max for the Rosetta unit?

Apologies if these questions have been already covered.

BTW I have published an unboxing & initial setup video for the Rosetta, see link below.

Best Regards,

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