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Topics - rhine

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Hello and a suggestion.

This topic was discussed before but now in an old thread, so ...

When building a Pi 3B with a WiFi service available but no ethernet connection, it would be very useful to be able to put SSID and password into a file on the SD card like in wpa_supplicant so that as the image boots it will pick up the network and able you to then complete your configuration from a laptop also connected to that same wireless network.

Great job and many thanks, Richard

OGN-R PilotAware / Is PWMalham online? - had to refresh SD card
« on: February 08, 2023, 01:53:08 pm »
I have refreshed the SD card for PWMalham and should be back online.

I can see the station on GilderRadar @,-2.1739&zoom=10 but the logs from http://ognpaw.local are saying .... GRID Network trying to connect

Should I just be patient or is there some cleanup to be done at the back end as I have reused the station name?

I attach a screenshot

Thanks, Richard

Technical Support / Web Maps of ATOM stations - just for interest
« on: February 12, 2022, 01:55:13 pm »
This topic has been covered at various times, but just sharing this for interest while experimenting with Python and Folium.

Amazing what you can do with very little code.

I have a couple of ATOM stations and am able to download a list of stations with their details as an HTML table and then covert this information to a CSV file. I cheated and used the service for this purpose.

I shamelessly copied this idea from - thanks for the tutorial!

The folder under the link below includes.

1. Source code for the program that I ran in the JupyerLab IDE
2. CSV files for ATOM ground station information
3. Screenshot of generated OpenStreetMap map

Idea would be to use this as part of a dynamic web page created with the `"index.html")` method but have yet to work out if it possible to programatically retrieve and convert the source data.

Has it stopped rain yet?


OGN-R PilotAware / Kiosk web station for ATOM pages
« on: February 17, 2021, 09:10:05 pm »
We want a 'kiosk' style Raspberry Pi powered screen at the field to show local ATOM information, and we want to display multiple 'tiles' in the same web page, and we want this to be as 'hands off' as possible. This may be of interest to some of you.

We have a standard raspberry Pi with an attached screen and created 2 files under the 'pi' account

1. /home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi
pi@kiosk:~/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi $ cat autostart
@xset s 0 0
@xset s noblank
@xset s noexpose
@xset dpms 0 0 0
@chromium-browser --start-fullscreen --app=file:///home/pi/atom.html

2. /home/pi
pi@kiosk:~ $ cat atom.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<frameset rows = "70%,30%">
   <frameset cols="100%">
      <frame name = "radar" src = "" />
   <frameset cols="100%">
      <frame name = "metar" src = "" />

Now as we power up the pi attached to the screen, we see the local VRS data, and also the METARs in a separate tile below.

This is of course using our local ATOM station address, and suspect that the correct solution is to use as our datasource, but have not yet worked out how to automate the passing of our credentials.

A poor photo of the result, but you get the idea.


OGN-R PilotAware / DDNS and ATOM ground stations
« on: January 16, 2021, 04:09:54 pm »
Hello. I would like to be able to access my ATOM station to the the RADAR facility from outside the local network and I do this for other Pi devices using DDNS. I understand that the ATOM station is built as an appliance so looking for suggestions as to how this might be done.

We have 2 x ATOM stations and one will be running on a network with NO public inbound access, so am thinking that I can maybe use my other station with a DDNS address which will effectively give me a RADAR view of the geography covered by the other station.

Any thoughts please? Thanks, Richard

Hello, I think that this topic has been raised before some time ago, but would appreciate some help here.

I have a Rosetta PAW audio out connected to my MicroAvionics via a cable and all is good with the audio signal. I also use SkyDemon on an iPad which is connected via BlueTooth to a MM005 MicroAvionics powered interface.

In flight getting no sound from Skydemon to my headset even though the iPad on the ground generates sounds as I would expect. I would have thought that the bluetooth connection from the iPad to the MicroAvionics powered interface which hosts my headset would have carried the audio through to my headset, but is V quiet or absent - Microlight flexwing / open cockpit.

Has anyone been here before and can offer a solution? I do NOT have 2 x audio inputs to my powered interface and in any case that would mean an audio cable from my kneepad to the unit which is less than ideal - I had hoped that the bluetooth would perform this function.

Would appreciate you sharing your experiences. Thanks, Richard

EcoSystem / Pilotaware to Google Earth
« on: May 07, 2019, 12:49:05 pm »
I think that this has been discussed in various ways before, but had some time on a windy day and have created a basic utility to take the GPGGA sentences from .trk files and convert them into .kml files that can be opened with Google Earth.

You just need a PC with PERL installed which is standard on a MAC and downloadable for free to a Windows PC. No mobile or tablet support.

Any suggestions or comments would be appreciated.

Downloadables and instructions @

Richard Hine - Skipton

Technical Support / Rosetta - 4 red 'lights'
« on: May 26, 2018, 03:53:33 pm »
Just taken delivery of a Rosetta, and getting red indications for ADS-B, TRX, BMP and GPS.
The logs repeat 'Await Radio Start'
Config - Mode-CS / Long Range / +/-50000ft
Powered on an Anker USB in the car cigarette lighter, Rosetta on car bonnet using supplied USB power lead
License key added, and firmware is 20180429

Any ideas please? Thanks, Richard

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