I had an interesting flight on the 23rd June. I was Pax so could spend some time monitoring the PAW. In particular I was interested in how the Enstone OGN-R ground station performed. There was a contact immedialy after take off that stood out. I am not sure if the display is right or wrong?
I was alerted to a bearingless target with a G flag (see first attachment), which I though odd as all uploads shoud have a position. I spotted the aircraft passing behind up and it was an Augusta A109, not a glider. First suspision was that his mode S was not programmed correctly, so took a screen shot of the traffic page (second attachment). In post flight analysis you can see that there were a number of other aircraft including this one, that the call sign is just 'G'. They have no distance, so mode C/S, yet have PilotAware P flag!
Before Lee asks for it, the log file is here
https://www.dropbox.com/s/rvecicih0zdo476/2018-06-23_09-09.trk?dl=0Are these retransmitted OGN-R traffic or has something gone awre?
Oh, P1, who had been interested in a practical demo of PAW, ordered a Rosetta that night