Technical Support / I can see other traffic but my the Vector chart shows no broadcasts - resolved
« on: October 06, 2024, 08:13:27 pm »
When I am flying my SkyDemon, hooked to PAW Classic, shows me lots of other traffic. However, when I look at the vector chart and select PilotAware, it is apparent my unit stopped transmitting before the last licence change (and I did a software update then). I can see my ADSB just fine (trig transponder), but I can't see any Pilotaware transmissions.
Hex code is 407F92
And yes, I've checked the licence date is 2025
Although I assume if it wasn't it wouldn't be showing me traffic in any event.
PAW isn't receiving data via a mobile phone as I had my hotspot turned off. So the only reception is through the PilotAware aerial.
Hex code is 407F92
And yes, I've checked the licence date is 2025

PAW isn't receiving data via a mobile phone as I had my hotspot turned off. So the only reception is through the PilotAware aerial.