Here in North America, there is a project using the RPi for receive only of ADSB on 1090/and 978 MHz and details can be found at : can be used with the majority of IOs and Android Navigation applications and there is some work underway to have RS232 out to interface to EFS (yay!)
This allows the reception of weather and some traffic. The portion that is missing is the transmitter on 978 MHz which you have splendidly implemented already using 868 for FLARM
I am a tinkerer and have ordered the transceiver and regulator. I am not a coder beyond the basics
How can we merge these two ideas together? Or, how can we add code to your project to receive 978 MHz with another dongle attached keeping the remainder of your concept intact with tx on 978? And perhaps also add an RY835A1 GPS/AHRS module