The latest release offers traffic on Dynon Skyview so I tried it today inside the hangar.
I connected a spare "serial input" from Skyview to PAW with
USB <--> RS-232 adapter cable (PL2303 chipset).
Although not needed for traffic I also connected the same serial port's output as Lee said he will eventually accept GPS position from SKyview so no need for a GPS dongle.
The Dsub serial plug on the USB/Serial adapter is wired according the RS232 DB9 standard.
That is:
Pin 3 is TX (output from the PAW) so you wire that to a RX wire from one of your spare SV serial connections
Pin 5 is Ground and you wire that to black ground wire from SV
Pin 2 is RX if you also wish to wire that but not needed for traffic.
If you look at the plug with a magnifying glass the pin numbers are marked.
I found it best to solder the SV wires to a new female DSUB and just plug it in. Looks tidier.
I configured PAW's USB Port 4 to "TRAFFIC DYNON" and set it to 9600 bps.
I configured Skyview to "FLARM TRAFFIC" also at 9600bps.
It was a awful day raining and under a roof but I still got the odd upper airways airliner showing "+99".
Another imageSo it works