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Messages - daviddurrans

Pages: [1]
Technical Support / Re: Trouble with Rosetta in Herefordshire
« on: October 12, 2024, 08:45:49 am »
This will be of little help to you. I flew Tattenhill to Sleap last Sunday (6th Oct) and had a similar problem once west of Stafford. Normal service resumed when flying the return trip. No problem with gps reception using iPad internal GPS and Skydemon “location services”

Hi Stuart,

I've done this with a Funke try 800.

Basically it's the orange wire on the Farnell cable to brown on the Funke cable, and black (ground) on the Farnell to the ground or screening on the Funke. As you say there are 2 browns on the Funke side. Make certain you are using the PIN 12 brown (not the pin 14) The Funke manual shows the pinning on the plug that goes in the back of the transponder. A multimeter helps here to check which is which but it isn't essential.

The no data issue: Mine does this if I don't turn the transponder on first, then the gps and then give it plenty of time to acquire satellites. If it shows no data then you end up switching everything off and starting again

Hope this helps


Technical Support / Re: ADS B brain fade
« on: September 29, 2016, 03:07:20 pm »
Thank you both for your responses:

Re Firmware: I'll check we are both on the same firmware, although I'm fairly certain we are. It will be a while until I get back to the airfield but will post ASAP.

I remain puzzled as to why when checking with Power Flarm I see ADS B and transponder output from both aircraft, but only one (Aircraft 1) has output when checking with Pilot Aware. Aircraft 2 is not seen by Aircraft 1. Could be either transmission or reception.

Apologies if this is getting confusing.


Technical Support / ADS B brain fade
« on: September 29, 2016, 08:46:17 am »
Good Morning Gentlemen,

I'm hoping that the description of this problem proves more difficult that the solution. Any help will be very much appreciated.

2 systems set up in different aircraft and configured exactly the same way except for the Hex ID and Reg-ID.

Hardware: Pilot Aware, Farnell Cable, Funke TRT800

Software: August 2016

The transponders in both systems are getting GPS data as evidenced by accurate position report in transponder setup screen.

System 1:

Can see itself on its "traffic" screen as C,S,A and P in mode column with SIL 0 and SILs 0. There is nothing in the final column (aircraft and owner)

Can be seen on system 2 as C,S,A etc etc

In summary system 1 appears to function properly

One strange thing has been the occasional appearance of system 2 Reg on system 1 traffic screen EVEN WHEN SYSTEM TWO IS ENTIRELY SHUT DOWN. We presume that at some stage during testing we have put system 2 reg into system one (why would we do that????) and this is now cached. Can't remember doing this however.

System 2:

Cannot see itself on its "traffic" screen at all

Can be seen on system 1 traffic report as a PA, but no C,S or A. In the last column of the traffic report a full description of the aircraft and the fact it is privately owned is given.

Our first thought was that system 2 transponder may not be emitting but:

The Mode S can be seen by B'ham ATC (haven't asked them about ADS B since fitment not yet approved)
Both Mode S and ADS B can be seen on a POWER FLARM both close to and 1/2 mile from the Aircraft. On the face of it therefore the System 2 transponder is working.

We are considering a software reload onto the SD cards of both systems but wonder if there's anything else to consider.



General Discussion / Re: Help with ADS B out (Funke TRT 800) please
« on: September 09, 2016, 08:30:42 pm »
Thanks Keith, exactly the reassurance I'm looking for


General Discussion / Help with ADS B out (Funke TRT 800) please
« on: September 09, 2016, 07:53:55 pm »
Good Evening All,
I'd appreciate some practical help introducing my PAW to my TRT800 for ADB S out. I have the Funke document instructing that the serial data line is connected to pin 12, and that ground is pin 0 or 9. Software version is o.k.

I've been advised that the usb to serial converter cable required is FTDI  USB-RS232-WE-1800-BT-0.0  CABLE, USB A - RS232, SERIAL CONVERTOR from Farnell. This cable has 6 output wires, 4 more than required by the transponder.

My question is: If this is the correct cable, which wires are to be connected to pins 0 and 12 on the transponder? Looking at the cable tech data sheet it's black to 0 (ground) and orange to 12 (asynchronous data output), but I'd be grateful for supportive advice from a guru


David D

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