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Messages - neilmurg

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 18
General Discussion / Re: Rosetta -> FX Upgrade
« on: December 04, 2024, 07:20:42 pm »
Thanks Exfirepro, much improved performance, in the exact same setup is what we found. Well worth it if that's what your looking for...
The only remotely comparable system is £2.1k+

General Discussion / Re: Parachutes!
« on: November 29, 2024, 08:17:15 am »
Is this FX or Rosetta ? And what software version ?
Thx Lee
For me FX, latest version 1.10? (haven't got it with me)
My supposition is that it's FX users who haven't modified their aircraft type in the setup and as supplied it comes as motor glider/powered parachute?

General Discussion / Re: Rosetta -> FX Upgrade
« on: November 28, 2024, 10:41:53 pm »
Yes. No Pilotaware voice. We use the skydemon voice

General Discussion / Re: Parachutes!
« on: November 28, 2024, 10:31:41 am »
I noticed a lot higher proportion than I expected of motor gliders (I think) on Skydemon, and they were QUICK. I wondered if it's because it's the default aircraft type on FX.
(I haven't got ours available to check that 'Motor Glider' is the default type out of the box, but it looked like it wasn't 'powered aircraft')

General Discussion / Re: Rosetta -> FX Upgrade
« on: November 28, 2024, 10:26:19 am »
  • FX would require a battery, or connection to ship power either via cigarette lighter or USB
  • if you get 'Internal', fit suckers to them to fix to a window, that should improve reception over 'Carry On', that will also mean the Unit doesn't have to block the window, aerials should be oriented as near vertical as possible.
  • the aerials need to be able to 'see', the GPS puck, or internal GPS needs to see UP, it depends on the aircraft
  • Given that the aerial positions are the same as a Rosetta, it will perform better
  • connect to the iGrid, it will maximise the aircraft you see, particularly in England where there are many Atom Grid ground stations

General Discussion / Re: New FX user questions
« on: November 28, 2024, 10:11:33 am »
I believe Skydemon have got Mendelssohn to supply a cable to connect a BT dongle to Garmin
Would that work?

General Discussion / FX - WiFi, hotspot, WiFi loop?
« on: November 21, 2024, 12:49:57 am »
We have an FX, we're all learning to enable iGrid, for more aircraft detected and software updates.
I use a tablet to connect Skydemon to the FX and my phone to provide a hotspot for iGrid.
My phone (Android) can pick up the FX WiFi and connect, is this a fatal loop where neither device gets Internet (Phone has the FX WiFi, FX has the phone hotspot)?
I know iPhones (spit!) advertise that they can use the phone network for internet if their WiFi connection doesn't, and I think Android says the same, but...
I turn my phone WiFi off to prevent this.
If your using the android tablet for Internet as well as connecting to the FX - what happens then?

I'm hoping someone has tested this out and can tell me, because it will be a PITA to run sufficient tests to give the rest of my group a definitive answer (I'm writing a short 'How To' for the group, most of whom couldn't pick out a USB C connector in a line up with HDMI cables / think a megabyte is sold at McDonalds / think M.4 is a road to the West Country).
(I hope they don't find this page)

General Discussion / Re: New FX user questions
« on: November 19, 2024, 09:20:48 am »
Outstanding Peter, thanks for taking the time.
Best Regards

General Discussion / Re: New FX user questions
« on: November 18, 2024, 11:53:19 am »
Thanks Ashley, yes I'll update you with that Vector and compare with previous Vectors from the internal remote antenna's

General Discussion / Re: New FX user questions
« on: November 17, 2024, 07:46:23 pm »
After further reading:
Q2 Correct, no native PAw traffic voice on FX

Also -> Accessories (menu item), is spelt incorrectly.

If anyone has feedback on external antenna positions, I'd be grateful. Some in out group have suggested farther back towards the tail to make the arc shadowed by the engine smaller. I'm more in favour on lowest part of the Fuselage, under the passenger seating positions, to put the engine 'higher' and better forward visibility. (and 50cm away from existing transponder antenna).
With the internal antenna we could try different positions, but for external, I'd prefer to keep the number of holes drilled in the fuselage to a minimum.

General Discussion / New FX user questions
« on: November 14, 2024, 01:50:29 pm »
Is this the right place? Feel free to relocate
Installed the FX this week. I'm VERY PLEASED with it so far, I wish we'd upgraded sooner. ATM we are using the existing internal remote aerials mounted high on the front windscreen. I have some observations, questions and advice requests:

1 The FX seems much better at receiving signals than the Rosetta. It worked fine in the house before installing. I used to have to setup the Rosetta outside to get GPS / aircraft signals. (I do have a ATOM Grid ground station on the roof of the house).
2 The FX seems to hold on to traffic better (not have them disappear/re-appear), this means fewer but more accurate call outs of more traffic.
3 I haven't fitted external aerials yet, that's next week / during the annual.
4 The condition lights are a very useful visual confirmation, especially for the HotSpot / internet routing. Hotspot seems to work better.
6 I've noticed more traffic pretending to be Motor Gliders, is that because it's the default in the setup?

1 On FX, Does removing the WiFi password disable the WiFi? That is the implication of the messaging, so I left it alone.
2 Is there no PAw traffic voice anymore? (We wired the PAw into our Audio Panel). We don't need it, we use SD voice these days and Bluetooth an SD tablet to the Audio Panel.
3 When will I be able to download flight tracks again (.trk). I think the website says 1/2024, does it mean 1/2025?
4 It would be nice if I got a clear summary numbers of what traffic I receive ie whether: Direct/ATOM Grid/iGrid/SkyGrid
5 I noticed frozen traffic on the FX in the pattern last night. I've seen that before on a Rosetta beta release (since solved), is it the same 'persistence after signal lost' problem? It lead to a lot of dire traffic warnings, which was distracting from other traffic. I'd notice the a/c freeze on the first circuit, so it wasn't too bad. It disappeared by the next circuit.
6 The Radar screen seems reluctant to count ground stations in the top left count box. Even when they show on the FX Radar and on SD.
7 Is it 'Pilotaware Rosetta FX'? Wouldn't 'Pilotaware FX' be better / clearer? I realise it might be a copyright thing.

Advice request
1 External Aerial positioning; we're planning on putting them to the rear of the lower fuselage (Fuji FA200), at least 50cm away from the ADSB/Xponder. I presume the lower the better to see forward below the engine (the tail section rises slightly).
2 Can we take a feed off the Garmin 430/G5 GPS aerial? We are assuming not ATM and using the supplied GPS puck
3 It will be wired into the 12V electrical system with an On/Off switch - comments / hints?

I was helping a friend to update his license for his PAw today. His software was also old (2022), so I told him how to update it.
I can't find a statement of what's changed in the 10/2024 official version. Enhancements / bug fixes. It doesn't have to be a big list, I assume bug fixes / stability is most of it.

Win win
I learnt a new thing AND there's a new official release.
Thanks Exfirepro
It really is time I visited xx

Technical Support / Re: Request - new standard non-beta software release
« on: October 05, 2024, 05:41:32 pm »
Another update
But, I did read on another thread (Change SSID on FX...) that there would be another official release of the Rosetta software imminently.
 :P - I can wait.  :D

Thanks for this thread! I will be trying an iphone (grrrrrr - Apple are evil), to see if it's better than my Galaxy S20, Android 13 hot spot, which only gets Orange service light

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