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Messages - peteD

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Thanks Peter, we’ve certainly getting more data since we setup our Atom station at EGNS!

Any release notes for the new version please?

Technical Support / Re: Garmin GPS AT575 with Pilotaware
« on: September 27, 2024, 05:35:03 pm »
Further Update-improvement
This dongle worked with my redundant Garmin AT575

But was slow to aquire with occasional drop outs.

I thought that it would work better with the required 5v than the 3v supplied by the dongle so tried a Bias T as recommended.

Nothing...I suspected that it wasn't switching to external ant. and guessed the switching was due to no current flow so wired up a resistor and choke across the dongle antenna.

Bingo...rapid aquisition :-) :-)

Technical Support / Re: Garmin GPS AT575 with Pilotaware
« on: August 24, 2023, 04:00:56 pm »
Works very well, signal strength 50-60db on AT575, compared to pilotaware internal gps mouse 30-40 db.

So if you happen to have a redundant gps antenna (ex garmin430 etc) on your airframe and wish to use it instead of an internal gps mouse, the above mentioned dongle works well!

Thanks for all the input that enabled me to reach my goal :-)

Technical Support / Re: Garmin GPS AT575 with Pilotaware
« on: August 22, 2023, 03:55:18 pm »
Could not see $GPTXT ANTSTATUS except on startup when ANTSTATUS=OK*25 with Putty,(at the limit of my knowledge here!)

So I used U-Blox u-centre which gave me a nice signal strength indicator display and responded positively to the connection of an active antenna,:-) , just need to try it on the AT575

Technical Support / Re: Garmin GPS AT575 with Pilotaware
« on: August 21, 2023, 10:45:42 am »
Ok thanks, I’ll have ago!

Technical Support / Re: Garmin GPS AT575 with Pilotaware
« on: August 20, 2023, 12:10:16 pm »
Lee Said
"Simply attaching/detaching the external antenna is detected automatically by the receiver
I know this because a status message is produced, indicating which antenna is being used"

How can I check that the attached antenna is being used, rather than the patch antenna?
Is there some software that allows me to do that?

Technical Support / Re: Garmin GPS AT575 with Pilotaware
« on: August 10, 2023, 06:05:20 pm »
Yes, it's not a mechanical switch on this GPS USB dongle as it still receives gps signal with the extension lead plugged in.

Good news is the garmin AT575-9 gps antenna seems to work  with the lower than spec voltage.

Thanks all for your input!

Technical Support / Re: Garmin GPS AT575 with Pilotaware
« on: August 09, 2023, 12:46:06 pm »
So bought this and  works fine with pilotaware

How does it know to switch between the built in patch antenna and the other connected antenna?

Also, the voltage on the device antenna is +3.13v, whereas the antenna requires 5v, can i use a bias-T to supply the 5v? Values?

Technical Support / Re: Garmin GPS AT575 with Pilotaware
« on: July 27, 2023, 09:17:11 am »
 The antenna is the 9 version and requires +5v( was connected to Apollo 820)
Thanks for your help and pointing me in the right direction!
PS have one of your power supplies, solved all my usb power-supply issues :-)

Technical Support / Re: Garmin GPS AT575 with Pilotaware
« on: July 26, 2023, 10:41:18 pm »
"You can get USB GNSS dongles with a connector for an external antenna"
That's really what i'm looking for but not been able to find one!
Any links/ideas where to look please?

Technical Support / Re: Garmin GPS AT575 with Pilotaware
« on: July 26, 2023, 09:47:48 am »
Maybe I didn’t make it clear, the garmin AT575 gps antenna is spare and unused at present (from a previous gps installation that has long been removed) I do not wish to interfere with my GTN 650 installation. At present my PA uses a gps mouse.
I was wondering whether  it’s possible to use the redundant antenna to supply the original pa gps usb dongle with a signal, either by using it as a repeater
or direct connection to the patch antenna in the dongle

Technical Support / Re: Garmin GPS AT575 with Pilotaware
« on: July 22, 2023, 02:13:38 pm »
Apologies, should have been clearer, yes, it’s an antenna. Yes, I do have a GTN 650 in the panel, but as a certified a/c, I can’t really mess with that. Any reason why I couldn’t utilise the antenna as a part of a gps repeater to the PA?

Technical Support / Garmin GPS AT575 with Pilotaware
« on: July 21, 2023, 05:53:47 pm »
I have a redundant Garmin GPS AT575 unit on my aircraft, can i use this to supply gps data for my PA?
Is it a matter of converting the coax connector to USB, or is there more to it than that?

Technical Support / Re: 987 Mhz antenna instead of 869.5Mhz
« on: December 07, 2022, 02:28:27 pm »
OK, thanks for the info!

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