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Messages - lmoon

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General Discussion / Re: Enhancement Requests
« on: March 11, 2016, 08:22:38 pm »
Hi Lee
Thanks for that, it is indeed self explanatory.  ;)  Is there by chance a 'test' version of the PAW software which can force $PFLAU sentences with error messages?  I only as the only other option that I can see it to arrange to physically fly close to another aircraft !! (i am running version 20151219)

There is some internal code that has this capability, but not in a form to release.
The release which will contain the PilotAware Bridge should have a tracking capability, which will record your movements, and everyting that was visible to your device, and it will have the option to save that data.
A replay could be added later


Hi Lee

It was not a tracking ability that I was inquiring about.  What I was looking for was the PAW unit to transmit $PFLAU sentences with alarm 1 ,2 or 3 and thus provide some 'real' data to test my audio device - I have done computer simulations to date. As mentioned I have EGLL traffic departing over my house and I can see from the traffic screen on the PAW that they are usually below 4000 feet and come to within 0.5Km of the house!!  What I was looking for is a doctored version of the PAW software that that 'thinks' anything below 4000 feet is a threat. The heading and distance is already taken care of (see above)

I presume that even if we have two PAW units on the same desk we would not get alert messages as there is zero velocity between the two units..

Kr Lionel

General Discussion / Re: Enhancement Requests
« on: March 10, 2016, 12:48:44 pm »
Lee - I think what Lionel is looking for is a way to test the device (tablet or otherwise) to ensure it makes an appropriate alert to the pilot when a threat  becomes an alarm of one type or another. Its quite tricky for developers of devices that will attach to the PAW (RunwayHD, Skydemon or other eqpt) to exercise all of their code without the ability of making the PAW send out all possible PFLAU sentences.


HI Lee

Perhaps I should have mentioned that I live under the London TMA and get the 09 departures to Ockham VOR coming directly over the house at about 3000 ft.  All I would like to do is to be able to set the 'alert altitude' to something like 4000 ft then the PAW unit would give me $PFLAU messages with data in them.  Indecently from my upstairs room I can see traffic on the PAW unit up to 45 Km away!



General Discussion / Re: Enhancement Requests
« on: March 09, 2016, 07:49:47 pm »
Hi Lee

Thanks for that, it is indeed self explanatory.  ;)  Is there by chance a 'test' version of the PAW software which can force $PFLAU sentences with error messages?  I only as the only other option that I can see it to arrange to physically fly close to another aircraft !! (i am running version 20151219)



General Discussion / Re: Enhancement Requests
« on: March 09, 2016, 03:10:28 pm »
Hi Lee

Regarding $PFLAU sentences can you provide details of when alarm levels 1 and 2 are generated?. Obviously the heading/track denotes a potential conflict but at what height difference and at what range do the two alarm levels get triggered.



General Discussion / Re: Enhancement Requests
« on: February 25, 2016, 09:43:42 pm »
Hi Lee

So are you saying that a P3i message is received it will come out over RS232 and look like a $PFLAU message ?



General Discussion / Re: Enhancement Requests
« on: February 25, 2016, 06:34:33 pm »
Hi Lee

I don't know is you missed my last question as I had it embedded in a quote !!

Do you have the details of this data sentence yet ?

General Discussion / Re: Enhancement Requests
« on: February 19, 2016, 10:16:04 pm »
Hi Lionel

The P3i data is the RF packet format.
For the NAV interface it will appear as another flarm data format message

Hi Lee

Do you have the details of this data sentence yet ?

General Discussion / Re: Enhancement Requests
« on: February 18, 2016, 09:22:11 pm »
Hi Lionel

The P3i data is the RF packet format.
For the NAV interface it will appear as another flarm data format message

Hi Lee

Thanks, that sounds as though it should just be an extension on the work I have already done.

General Discussion / Re: Enhancement Requests
« on: February 18, 2016, 07:33:02 pm »
Hi Lee

Can I ask a few questions regarding the P3i packet protocol. Having got to grips with the $PFLAU sentence I am now looking at P3i sentence. Firstly will it be available for third parties like the NMEA sentences are and if so will it be on the same USB port or another - I am reading LAU sentences on USB 3 set for Traffic Dynon. Will the P3i sentence be 'raw' data as shown in your home page presentation?  If so is there anywhere I will be able to obtain 'my' position from in order to calculate range, bearing etc.  Should be receiving prototype pcb's for my speech output in a couple of days.

Apologies for asking so many questions.....

Kr Lionel

General Discussion / Re: PilotAware Map
« on: February 15, 2016, 07:10:05 pm »
Just added myself. Based at Popham (Jodel 1050) - have working unit just adding speech output to it.

General Discussion / Re: Enhancement Requests
« on: February 15, 2016, 07:01:05 pm »
Hi John

Surprisingly there is not a lot of maths involved. If you like to drop me a email at  I will send you the details of how the NMEA $PFLAU sentence is constructed - it has most of the hard work done already. Incedentally I have just ordered a couple of prototype PCB's to build a complete circuit.



General Discussion / Re: Enhancement Requests
« on: February 11, 2016, 09:59:14 pm »
This sounds a great idea Lionel. I am not up to speed on the Pi architecture, but is it possible to have another background process running in the Pi to seize this data, parse the string and generate audio from the Pi's resources rather than using another cpu off board ?. Is the PFLAU string accurate enough to determine if the "threat" aircraft is within your aircraft's zone of concern. 

If it is not possible to do it within the Pi - perhaps we should be lobbying the App providers (RunwayHD, Skydemon etc) to analyse the  $PFLAU and generate the audio.

Whichever way, I think it is essential to have an audio alert to a possible threat, ideally in the same form you would get it from a Radar controller, "Traffic 2 o'clock 3 miles"...


Hi John

I am not using another background process on the Pi. I am using the serial output from the Pi that sends data to third party devices. To that end i Have a PIC processor chip which looks for a PFLAU message. It then copies the message to a buffer and then extracts the required information i.e. threat, heading, level and distance. To date I have written the software and tested the required hardware on a test rig. My intention is to record some MP3 messages on the MP3 module which will create a message in the form of " traffic 3 O'clock level, range 2 miles". Our aircraft has a 4 place headset/mike setup and I have successfully 'injected' the message into the audio system. I am planning to have a control to adjust the sound volume. I am also installing a three colour LED indicator  to indicate system activity if the volume is turned right down. This will give a short flash of green if the threat level is 0 or !. If the threat level is 2 the colour will be yellow and for threat level 3 (urgent) it will be red. I have designed a small daughter board to mount above the USB connectors on the Pi. This is because the Pilot Aware people are planning a board to plug onto the 40 pin header and will cover the existing board completely. I am just about to send off the PCB design to get some prototype boards made. If we get some good weather I plan to test talking to ATC on the radio whilst a 'threat' message in being overlaid on the audio - likewise when a message is being received from ATC. If anyone is interested I am happy to share the details of my design components and board layout. It should be noted that Pilot Aware intend to provide an audio output on their system in late 2016.

General Discussion / Re: Enhancement Requests
« on: January 25, 2016, 09:24:27 pm »
Hi Lee

Don't panic....problem solved!!  I was using IE 8 to access the setup page. Just had one of those hunches which said try Firefox - which happens to ver 34.0.5 and guess what it now retains the changed settings (Traffic Dynon) now have serial data streaming out of USB3.

Anyway thanks for the help, sorry to have bothered you.....i'm sure you have better things to do.



General Discussion / Re: Enhancement Requests
« on: January 25, 2016, 08:07:37 pm »
Hi Lee

Version number is 20151219



General Discussion / Re: Enhancement Requests
« on: January 25, 2016, 06:47:54 pm »
Hi Lee

Thanks for the link to the shield.

However do you have any further thoughts as to why I can't get the USB3 port to stay on Traffic Dynon selection. (reverts to auto)



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