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Messages - Keithvinning

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Latest News / PilotAware Micro ATOM station
« on: January 02, 2025, 02:29:55 pm »
PilotAware Micro ATOM Station

Want to Help Make the Skies Safer?

We know many of you are passionate about aviation safety and have told us you’d love to set up an ATOM station to get all the advantages — but wish it could be a bit easier, more affordable, and with a less bulky antenna array.
Well, we may have the solution!

We’re keen to share a new way you can get involved: the PilotAware Micro-ATOM station.

Here’s the plan:

1.   Refurbished Rosetta Units
We’re refurbishing Rosetta units returned through the FX upgrade program and pairing them with a smaller antenna array to create a compact, ready-to-go Micro-ATOM station.

2.   DIY Option for the Tech-Savvy
If you’re handy with electronics or a keen Amateur Radio enthusiast, we’d love for you to join the fun! We’re offering the refurbished electronics and software completely free for you to build your own Micro-ATOM station. It’s a fantastic way to use your skills and contribute to the ATOM network.

Don’t worry—we’ll provide simple, clear documentation to help you every step of the way.

Want to Get Involved?

Whether you’re interested in a pre-built station or a satisfying project, just drop us a line at
Make sure to include “Micro-ATOM Station” in your subject line and tell us a little about your skills or experience and which type you would like.

But hurry—units are limited for this trial run, so don’t wait too long!

We are keen to help you join us in making the skies safer for everyone and of course you will have the best Virtual RADAR screen available. – Its really infectious.

German Specific Forum / Re: GSM and iPad mini4
« on: December 22, 2024, 02:16:33 pm »
I do not think that you can use the ip[ad for both applications simultaneously?

Latest News / New PilotAware FX video
« on: October 15, 2024, 12:43:40 pm »
A new video has been uploaded demonstrating the features of the all new PilotAware FX.
Please have a look at it and upload it to your favourite social media site to share the info.


PilotAware and FLARM have been working together to discuss how their products will converge in future developments to ensure full interoperability between the two systems.
Today's press announcement confirms our intent to work together for both Future and legacy products.

We both believe that this is a significant step forward in aviation safety for manned and unmanned aircraft.

Let us know what you think!

Post on your favourite Forum

Technical Support / Re: Rosetta / Sky Demon / uAvionix AV-30 combo
« on: January 01, 2024, 01:48:37 pm »
Thanks Chris
I hope the field gets usable before too long

Technical Support / Re: Waiting for device
« on: August 16, 2023, 09:32:58 am »
Hi Ray I have sent yu a private message for your details



Hi Alex
The IGRID dongle will NOT work as a WiFi dongle for a classic

OGN-R PilotAware / Re: Intermittent ATOM screen
« on: March 24, 2023, 08:43:44 am »

In respect of the PSU and undervoltage indication, I've always seen that but only fairly recently got the reported problems. I will check the actual voltage at the Pi but can you advise at what voltage does the Pi consider too low and trigger the undervoltage flag?

The Pi is powered by a dedicated 12V 2A d.c. adapter in my radio shack and fed up the mast by decent (1.5mm^2 if I remember correctly) cable to the ATOM Pi mounted inside a waterproof diecast enclosure 12 metres directly above. There it is fed to a 5V 2A linear regulator (LM317 if I remember correctly) and on to the Pi.

It is possible there is not enough headroom from the current 12V supply and I did change the feed from a 12V 8A ex-Tait PMR repeater PSU I had previously been using. I will do some investigation and probably swap back to the 8A PSU.

Thanks and regards,


Have you tried Power over ethernet? I use these regularly and they are very effective for long distance. Relatively inexpensive from Amazon Anvision are good.
Dont use cheap Chinese ones from ali express I had a bad batch.



Latest News / Sign up for the Newsletter
« on: March 24, 2023, 07:33:48 am »
Please Sign Up to keep up to date.

We now have a new bulk email service so we can send multiple emails easier to all our users. However, to ensure compliance with the Data Protection Act this requires that you sign up to receive them.
If you haven't already signed up this is easily done by logging onto and requesting to join. This can be done from any blog or knowledgebase post in the Learn section.



Hi Richard
At the moment the WiFi and password are put in at the configuration stage if the SW detects that the Pi is a 3B.
If this hasn’t been done then you will need a wired connection to do it the WiFi will work.



OGN-R PilotAware / Re: Is PWMalham online? - had to refresh SD card
« on: March 24, 2023, 07:20:59 am »
Hi Richard thanks for your help ‘up North’
Just to let you all know the flying season seems to be getting off to a flying start as far as ATOM installs go
New sites are requested at  Shipley (west Sussex) Goodwood Shawbury Ternhill Kilkeel Westcot Northampton Winston Gloucestershire Talyfan and Denbigh Gliding club.
Please keep them coming we are on our way to 400 sites.
With the support of iGRID and SkyGrid, this system is becoming increasingly self sustaining with lots of inbuilt redundancy and great integrity.



OGN-R PilotAware / Re: Intermittent ATOM screen
« on: March 24, 2023, 07:11:00 am »
This sounds very much like a power supply problem.
It is showing as voltage low before it went down 



Technical Support / Re: What's in the 20230228 software release?
« on: March 24, 2023, 06:57:47 am »
Thanks for this info Lee. I understand that most of the changes are with iGRID.

I'm interested in whether there have been any changes to the audio alerts?

We find that there are an excessive number of audio alerts for bearingless contacts which come through even though we have disabled them (see attached settings picture). We get multiple alerts “TRAFFIC NOTICE”  “TRAFFIC ALERT” “TRAFFIC DANGER”- usually 1000'+ below, especially when near airfields. I'm not sure whether this is a bug or whether there is another way of disabling these?

Any help would be appreciated.

Hi Chris

I notice that you have Mode-S/3D disabled? Did you mean to do this? This converts Mode-S bearing less into targets with a bearing. This is one of the key features of PilotAware!



General Discussion / Re: Enhancement Requests
« on: March 22, 2023, 01:34:01 pm »
Hi Clive
Thanks for your post
Unfortunately, it's just a matter of time
We are so incredibly busy installing ATOM stations, developing and testing new stuff
I would encourage anyone who has not signed up for the newsletter to do so via any of the blog posts or knowledgebase articles on the website.



Technical Support / Re: Wifi Network Disappears
« on: January 28, 2023, 06:05:45 pm »
Hi all to be clear the igrid dongle cannot be used as a WiFi dongle for a pilotaware classic



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