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Messages - exfirepro

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Topic Heading now updated to reflect the new 'fix', which requires the new FX update.

As reported above by @steveu,  'The Rosetta FX offers updates from within the status GUI if connected to the Internet'.



Technical Support / Re: Track files upload
« on: July 09, 2024, 12:05:37 pm »
Hi All,

I tried just tried it again myself - the ground station playback tool ( ) is working,  but the track file playback is still freezing after it uploads the file. I have just been speaking to Ash who confirms that this is being looked at.

Best Regards


Good catch guys,

I (for one) wasn’t aware of this issue until I read this thread, so it will no doubt crop up again and the ‘solution’ will prove useful to others as we go forward.

No idea why this is happening - presumably related to the OS developers’ continual drive to increase their system security. Unfortunately I don’t have any ‘new’ Android devices (yet), so can’t check it myself, but I know we had an issue when we were first developing iGRID in that my Rosetta wouldn’t connect to my Galaxy S9+ because there was a ‘space’ in the phone’s SSID. (It also wouldn’t recognise some of the special character sets, though Lee expanded the software capability in this respect). I guess this is probably something similar. I will flag the issue with Ash and Lee in case they aren’t aware of it yet.

Best Regards


p.s. I have adjusted the thread title to include a reference to the ‘fix’ as most users probably won’t know about the factory reset option.

General Discussion / Re: and PilotAware Playback Sites
« on: July 06, 2024, 01:01:09 am »
Hi Andy,

To quote Lee, 'It’s a problem at our end, trying to get it fixed …'  See this thread in the Technical Support Forum from a couple of days ago...,2380.msg24554.html#msg24554

p,s The correct current links to the playback sites are for playback of downloaded PAW track files (this site still appears not to be working) and to playback flights from data held on the PilotAware servers - which does now appear to be working, though I'm not sure if the previously reported fault has been fully addressed yet.

The older 'aircrew' URLs are no longer active.



Technical Support / Re: iGrid Hotspots
« on: July 04, 2024, 11:25:41 pm »
Hi Gonch,

Sorry, can't remember if there is a limit for the number of stored hotspot addresses - hopefully Lee or Ash can confirm.

Slightly different scenario - I have two different phones which I use to provide iGRID and found that if I give both of them the same password, the unit connects automatically to whichever one of them has an active hotspot when I power on the PAW.



Technical Support / Re: Gps very slow to acquire a fix
« on: July 04, 2024, 11:19:12 pm »
Hi Tony,

Most GPS modules do have a small button cell in them to power the almanac memory which is recharged by the circuitry, but they can eventually die. Unfortunately the 'workings' are normally sealed inside a metal screen and the cells are usually spot-welded in to a holder on the board, so not replaceable. If you are having serious issues, it might be worth trying a replacement GPS - available from the PilotAware store.



Technical Support / Re: Ghosting
« on: July 03, 2024, 04:58:44 pm »
Hi Malcolm,

You certainly should check that you have the same (correct) ICAO Hex for your aircraft in each device you are using. Although rare, it isn't unknown  for the HexID in PAW to revert to the default 'MAC-based' HexID. I have however also found the wrong code in transponders on several occasions.

That said, multiple Red Circle 'Danger' warnings can only be generated from Mode-C or Mod-S equipped aircraft - which can include high power responses from CAT aircraft on the ground at major airports to ground radar interrogations. This would be consistent with your report. These can be picked up and reported at a fair distance from the airfield (they usually appear suddenly as a 'Red' 'Danger' warning without going through the preliminary 'Green' and 'Amber' stages. If this is what you are seeing, try reducing the Bearingless Traffic reporting range in your PAW Configure Screen, and also consider restricting your selected relative altitude reporting level as well. (Don't forget to 'Save' the changes before exiting the Configure Screen).

The other issue that can cause 'rogue alerts' is close proximity between your transponder and PAW 1090 Receive antennas, which has been known to overload the front end of the 1090 SDR, though I know Lee did a lot of work in previous software versions to try to eliminate this issue. How far apart are these two antennas on your aircraft?

Let us know what you find and whether these suggested changes resolve the issue for you.



Hi Andy and a belated Welcome to the Forum from me,

Sorry to appear on here 'late in the day' so to speak. I seem to have been extremely busy with other issues recently.

I'm slightly confused as to what Lee means by 'This issue appears to be GPS - which I cannot understand why it is reported as GSM.'

From your screenshot of your 'Home' Screen (Mistitled as Network in Reply #5 above BTW), your Rosetta didn't have a GPS fix at the point the screenshot was taken (June 27 at 13:17), hence GPS showing as Amber at the bottom of the screen (present but awaiting a fix) and Barometer showing Red (because it doesn't report until the unit has a GPS altitude fix for comparison), but the unit uptime was reported as only 3 minutes, so it was probably still trying to locate enough satellites and obtain a 3D fix. This is pretty normal - especially if the unit was indoors, mounted 'upside down' (GPS antenna blocked by its own pcb) or in any other way screened from a clear view of the sky.

That same screenshot however confirms a positive iGRID connection by virtue of the green borders around BOTH the wlan1 and iGRID reporting boxes (and also confirmed by the green 'fill' on AndroidAP on the Network Screen.

I agree with Steve's suggestion to Enable Router if you have a reliable iGRID connection by the way - that allows you to make full use of for example SkyDemon's 'Use Internet whilst flying' option.

The Orange GSM box on the Radar Screen is reporting a poor GSM signal - most probably due to a poor connection between your phone and your GSM network. I get this a lot these days, though I'm not sure if this is due to deterioration in my phone performance since our early iGRID testing (I'm still using a Galaxy S9+) or something more sinister! I need to investigate this further with Lee and Chris.

My suggestion would be to try it on the ground in a position where you can obtain a solid 3D GPS Fix and also know you have a good solid GSM signal on your phone, and if this is OK then try it in the air at low level and let us know what happens. If you suspect there is an issue with your phone, try rebooting your phone and let us know if that makes any difference.

(PAW Development Team)

Technical Support / Re: New FX unit
« on: May 11, 2024, 03:44:23 pm »
Hi Chris,

As per Paul's post, plus -

If (as hoped) the Flarm Community take up FX as a low-power addition to their existing Flarm installations (FX draws far less power than Rosetta, making it ideal for installation in unpowered aircraft), not only will they be able to see us AND 1090 traffic via their new FX, but we will of course automatically be able to see them directly from their PAW FX transmissions - outwith Ground Station or iGRID Coverage range, so Win-Win.

As you will have read elsewhere, PilotAware and FLARM have also entered into a mutual collaboration agreement, which will no doubt lead to closer mutual development in the future, with perhaps further improved intercommunication options between our respective systems. Lots of potentially good things to look forward to from both groups.

Best Regards as Always


Technical Support / Re: Dead Rosetta - SD card slot has come adrift
« on: April 15, 2024, 03:09:47 pm »
Follow-up For Information

I asked Graham to send me the old board so I could examine it - never having come across this fault before. I have it sitting here in front of me as I type - thanks Graham.

The following is simply a statement of what I found and should not be taken as implying any negligence or inappropriate action by Graham - simply a cautionary tale for us all. It could easily have happened by the projecting end of the microSD card catching on something at any time when the unit was being fitted or removed from the plane, or from any bag it might have been carried in.

You should be able to see from Graham's earlier photo that the card slot comprises a thin stainless steel 'cover' into which is clipped a plastic 'inner', which forms the card mount itself and contains the contacts to link the card to the board. The two parts are held together during construction by very small moulded clips at each corner of the plastic liner. The card slot also contains a fine 'reed microswitch' inside the right-hand side at the back - which closes when a card is installed, telling the board that a card is present. The whole unit (including the 4 case mounting points, 8 separate card contact fingers and the 2 switch contacts) is then surface mounted onto the PCB during manufacture as a single unit.

Unfortunately, this one looks like it must have experienced downwards pressure being applied to the projecting card end at some point, which has dislodged the stainless steel cover from the plastic clips and broken the casing away from the PCB, though the printed circuit board itself looks intact (i.e. the damage hasn't pulled the tracks off the board). The reed switch has, however, become twisted and distorted (probably simply by trying to reinsert a card after the case had unknowingly sprung apart). Unfortunately this means that the only practical 'repair' will be to remove and replace the 'card slot' as a unit.

As an exercise, I have now obtained a replacement card slot and tracked down a friend with the necessary temperature controlled heat-gun equipped solder station to carry out the repair. Now I just need to find the time to give it a go.

Best Regards


Further Update added Thursday Morning at 08.27(UK time)

Hi Guy,

Reflecting on this again in the morning, when I've had a cup of tea and my brain has woken up a bit, the sudden drops in altitude on the track profiles almost certainly reflect drops in connectivity  - either between your phone and available cell towers on your mobile network or between your PilotAware and local ATOM, OGN or other sites, though the reasons for these drops can be complex and warrant further investigation.

I will send you a PM.



The Saga Continues!

I had previously disregarded checking via the Ground Station Replay Tool for 6th April as there was no data reported in the PilotAware database for that date - presumably due to the previously reported server issues.

Wrong decision  ::) !

Looking again at the Groundstation Replay Tool with this new information, I can track your aircraft on PilotAware and Cellular heading south-west towards LFLG from just north of Tencin - reporting at that point on screen as at ~ 5000ft, though your virtual radar 'profile' clearly shows your height as 6000ft plus - but with significant altitude fluctuations*. You are reporting from the same point as connected to the LFLG ATOM as you passed over Laval and Saint Mury-Monteymond, then LFLG lost contact with your PilotAware briefly (probably due to terrain) as you passed south of Lac de Freydieres. It picked you up again very briefly as you crossed the D111 Route de Chamrousse for the first time, then seems to have lost contact with you again (on PilotAware) a few seconds later at 10.04 as you were about to cross the Route de Chamrousse for the second time. Your track, however continues via cellular all the way to your landing at Gap Tallard at 10.32.

* at this time of night, I can't remember what the reason for that is - might be a GPS or Baro issue - perhaps Lee can advise.

I  then see you again (via Cellular) taking off from Gap at 13.05 and can follow you all the way back to your landing at Chambery - mainly on cellular, except for a few small breaks in cellular signal from where you pop back up on PilotAware at 13.20 as you pass over the ridge into the valley south of Grenoble and you then drop out of P3i contact again at 13.24 very near the point at which LFLG first picked you up on P3i on your outward flight. Your track then continues (on Cellular only) all the way back to Chambery.

This means that your PilotAware and iGRID were both working as expected during both flights on 6th April, and confirms that PAW uplink is limited along that route (due to terrain) to the area between Tenom and La Petoune de Belledonne and along the Grenoble Valley in close proximity to the only existing ATOM Station at LFLG - which is exactly as I would expect.

Not sure how I can see the aircraft at Gap on 7th April via a Cellular report, though this looks like a genuine report. I guess it must be a glitch in the data.

The (Cellular) reports I see from your aircraft on the ground at Chambery on 8th April are obviously from when you were looking for the local gliders. The only reason I can think of for not seeing any would be that the local OGN station(s), the gliders themselves, or both, hadn't yet updated their software to the new Flarm Protocol, so they weren't 'visible, or available for uplink locally via iGRID.

This now makes much more sense  :)

Best Regards



This is a very puzzling case  ???

Nothing showing on the database for any mode from 38533C from 6th April.

You say that the flights on 7th and 8th April were 'not really flights but ground tests at LFLE (Chambery)' - so I wouldn't expect to find any reports of reception for either of those dates from PWLFLG2 (Grenoble) at 40Km away, which is consistent with my comment that the only reports for those dates were Cellular.

Looking on the PilotAware Playback Site  (...which is based on data collected by the PilotAware ATOM-GRID Network and via iGRID Cellular connection), your aircraft 'pops up' (via its cellular signal) on the ground at Gap Tallard at 16:17 (UTC ?) on 20240407 - a long way from Chambery!! It seems to remain there on the ground at Gap Tallard for about 2 minutes before disappearing 'offline' and I can find no other reports from it that day. In order to get there, by air, you would (presumably) have flown from Chambery right past Grenoble, yet there is no PAW (or ADSB) report on the database from PWLFLG2 to report such a flight. (That is explained by your comments, sent while I was investigating and typing this response, but why would your aircraft show up at Gap Tallard in the first place?)

The next time I can find your aircraft is the following day (20240408), reporting very briefly - again via cellular, but for a few seconds only, back at Chambery at 09:40 UTC before disappearing and reappearing (again via Cellular) apparently heading north past Pontcharra at 09:45. Your comment about the ground tests would explain the unit popping up on the ground at Chambery, but why would it reappear 5 minutes later about 10Km away at Pontcharra - unless that is something to do with the cellular masts that your phone was connecting to during your ground tests.

For completeness, I have just logged in directly to the ATOM at LFLG and it appears to be working normally, reporting both ADSB and Flarm traffic - as I would expect it to.

Hopefully Lee can throw some light on what may be going on.

Best Regards and Bonne Soiree


Bonjour Encore Guy,

Sorry, been busy the last couple of days so missed your post.

some news about the Rosetta
in flight the 4 tabs are green, I receive the adsb (airliners) and some aircraft in S/C mode with the yellow rectangle in red or green with their exadecimal addresses.
on the other hand, still no metars or meteo on the surrounding airfields.
I do get clouds on the radar page.
Still no flarms despite the green gsm link.
see you soon

That is disappointing!

I just had another look at the PilotAware Database. I can see Cellular Reports from 38533C for 20240329, 20240407 and 20240408, but other than those, the most recent ADSB reported from 38533C (by PWLFLG2) was on 20240328 and the most recent PAW (again by PWLFLG2) was way back on 20240128. This makes me wonder if the issue is (at least partly) related to distance and lack of ATOM stations in the area - though we did have a bit of trouble with the servers a week or so ago, so there could be some gaps in our data.

I see Lee (Admin) has asked for your unit's MAC. He has more extensive access to the system than I do, so may be able to find out more about what is going on. In the meantime - bearing in mind that radio and cellular reception will both be affected by terrain obscuration to varying extents while flying in such a mountainous area, - can you remind us how far away (approximately) your airfield at Chambery (LFLE) is from Grenoble (PWLFLG2) and how close (again approximately) you actually got to the ground station at Grenoble during your most recent flights.

Best Regards


Well done Guy!

As I said earlier, I'm pretty sure I have never come across a Bridge coming loose from the GPIO pins in a Rosetta, though I have seen that happen a few times in the PAW Classic - usually because it had been dropped or shaken about by too many heavy landings  ::).

I'm certainly glad I suggested opening the unit to check though. Good to see it back working again. Every day is a school day as they say.

It's great to get a positive outcome - think we can claim that as a result.

Let me know how it performs once you get back in the air.

A Bientot


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