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Messages - russp

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Technical Support / FX playback
« on: August 07, 2024, 08:07:00 pm »
I have the FX and have been waiting for the playback function but so far haven't seen it although I believe it was to be released earlier this year. I see in the write up of the FX in the LAA mag they are using this function. What am I missing?

So common ground wasn’t the problem. The Skyview still can’t see the Pilot Aware FX. I’ve wired the input and output cables from the FX as per the Farm diagram above and connected these to the same pins has used for the USB to RS232 cables that the Rosetta successfully was using.I’ve run out of ideas now and other than concluding that the FX unit is supplying incompatible data and is unable to receive the NMEA data in. I don’t know where to go?

Hi Lee

Pretty sure they are RJ12 sockets in the FX not RJ45 but that's irrelevant as I used the supplied cable. So to be clear the GPS feed to the FX goes into the socket on the FX marked 'Input' and the cable taking Traffic from the FX is plugged into the 'output' socket? That's what I tried - (I also tried it the other way round just to be sure).

I have had one thought that may be my problem, no common ground as I was powering FX from a battery and skyview may need a common ground the way I wired it .

What I really need is confirmation of the wiring of the RJ12 socket is as Paul posted for Flarm.
RJ12 -> DB9
6- white - GRND 
5- black - RS232 data out
4- red - RS232 data in
1-blue - 12V out (Not using this)

Thanks, Russ

Technical Support / Re: FX traffic filters not working as advertised?
« on: March 24, 2024, 07:37:16 pm »
You are correct about the behaviour being the same on the rosetta as I just tested it. If I can ever get the FX to connect to the skyview (see my other post) I'll be able to feed back on use in practice but I can't help thinking that being able to limit the RS232 feed (out only) separately to the wifi feed would be very useful. You're either going to have to change the behaviour or the documentation and the presentation of the App as it's definitely misleading currently.

Hi Russ,

I've discussed this with Lee and Ashley and have found it is all possible. Attached is my question in diagram form (the same as yours). I was hoping to have it installed and documented but delayed at the moment.

The main thing is, yes, what you want can be just hasn't been yet  ;D

Well I wired it all up as per your details and went and tried it ... and nothing.. Dynon doesn't see the traffic from the FX and the FX doesn't see the GPS from the Dynon. I wired up the PAW supplied RJ12 connector cable cut in half to a DB9 serial connector to simply mirror the USB to DB9 serial cable currently running from the Rosetta so it seems some clarification of the connections is required - I'll be on to the office tomorrow.

Cables wired as follows :-
PAW supplied leads
RJ12 -> DB9
6- white - GRND  — to pin 5 on DB9
5- black - RS232 data out to pin 3 TX
4- red - RS232 data in to pin 2 RX
1-blue - 12V out (DO NOT CONNECT)


I have asked about the exact layout of the FX RJ11 plugs but have not got a definitive answer. Lee did say to wire them as per Flarm but, unfortunately, they may have had a standard layout once but they don't any more, it would seem. As an example, I have attached what would appear to be the Flarm layout for RJ11, however, the other day when installing a Flarm indicator (LXLED+) we had one manual saying pins 2 & 3 were RS232, 4 GND and 5 DC but a slightly newer manual saying pin 1 is GND, 2 & 3 RS232 and 6 was DC. Same Flarm device and a couple of months difference made a big difference to how they were wired and did nothing to convince me there is a Flarm standard.

SO, the upshot of this is we need a kind soul from PAW to give us the definitive answer on the RJ11 pin layout for the FX. Pretty please  :)

don't suppose it can be pushed into the same plug can it rather than needing to use two like the standard PAW?

HMmmm, I don't know but I can see no reason why not but it would depend on how the FX has been configured internally. It might be that the 'In' RJ11 socket does not have an RS232 out connection internally and the same for the 'Out' wire. If both RJ11 slots are wired internally for in and out then you could (in theory) use the In from your SkyView GPS serial Out and the Out to your SkyView Flarm Traffic serial In.

SO, another pretty please; are the FX RJ11 sockets wired internally for RS232 in AND out (Rx/Tx)?

Hoping someone from Pilotaware will pick this up and answer the two questions..

1. we need a kind soul from PAW to give us the definitive answer on the RJ11 pin layout for the FX. Pretty please  :)


2. are the FX RJ11 sockets wired internally for RS232 in AND out (Rx/Tx)?

Technical Support / Re: FX traffic filters not working as advertised?
« on: March 12, 2024, 07:10:39 pm »
Hi Lee
To be honest I do remember trying to ascertain how the filters in the rosetta worked on the various outputs (usb/wifi/PAW radar) and I think I may even have asked the question here but I never really arrived at a satisfactory answer. I should try repeating todays test with the Rosetta - with the igrid attached and SD zoomed out it's very obvious how it behaves*. Up to now I have just left the Rosetta** at the largest I'd ever want and then controlled display with filters present in SD and the Dynon. This only really became an issue when I tried to load igrid as it seems to overload the feed to the Dynon Skyview which then produces errors and I could have traffic on the dynon .. or igrid but not both. I tried a lot of solutions replacing all the connectors and playing with baud rates but none ever worked as a permanent solution other than no igrid. I didn't try filtering as I had no real idea how that would affect the SD display which I use zoomed out and for keeping track of flying buddies. Was hoping that somehow the FX wouldn't create the same issues and finding an option to just filter the RS232 feed seemed like the answer to my issues. 

*With igrid attached the traffic shown by SD seems to cover about the same 60km radius that the PAW radar screen displays even with PAW set to unlimited. Does PAW discard traffic beyond a certain distance away regardless?

**It's actually a classic with an upgraded board to provide Rosetta functionality   

Technical Support / FX traffic filters not working as advertised?
« on: March 12, 2024, 03:24:57 pm »
The instructions for advance settings in the FX state “ Horizontal and Vertical Filters apply only to the RS232 output port destined for Glass cockpits without the ability to filter aircraft heights. FX will do it for them based on your input.”

However, when activated, they stop the output via Wi-Fi to SkyDemon as well. This is very obvious on test and repeatable.

This would not seem to be desirable behaviour filtering the WiFi output to SD but I would like the ability to a filter on the RS232 output ports to the glass cockpit.

Hi Russ,

I've discussed this with Lee and Ashley and have found it is all possible. Attached is my question in diagram form (the same as yours). I was hoping to have it installed and documented but delayed at the moment.

The main thing is, yes, what you want can be just hasn't been yet  ;D


So the new FX unit is on order .. now I just need to source some cables with the right plugs attached and the tech info on which cables into the plug provide the Rx and Tx data feeds for traffic out and GPS in.. don't suppose it can be pushed into the same plug can it rather than needing to use two like the standard PAW?

Have you found details on plugs and connections yet?


Thanks Paul - I'll check my settings .. and see if it's different on the new loan HDX I have installed currently

Hi Russ,

I've discussed this with Lee and Ashley and have found it is all possible. Attached is my question in diagram form (the same as yours). I was hoping to have it installed and documented but delayed at the moment.

The main thing is, yes, what you want can be just hasn't been yet  ;D

Thanks for that Paul .. out of interest do you have your PAW feeding traffic into a skyview currently? - mine works great until I turn on the atom grid after which the skyview keeps giving me 'NO FLARM' warnings and the traffic on screen drops out, it's still showing fine on SD so it's clearly an issue with the PAW/Skyview feed and the only thing I can think is that the quantity of information is overwhelming the Skyview. If I keep the atom grid disconnected it doesn't seem to be a problem ... 

Technical Support / FX data in and out - Skyview Compatible for both?
« on: February 21, 2024, 02:41:28 pm »
Looking at the FX unit as maybe worth getting as an upgrade to my Rosetta in a classic case before the rebate scheme ends. I see there is a Data in and out and Data out ports.  I currently feed traffic to my Dynon skyview and GPS from Dynon to PAW via two separate USB cables. To Dynon Skyview is specifically mentioned in the FX blurb on the site but can I use the data in to feed GPS data from my skyview in preference to the onboard FX GPS? I don't need a connection to Flarm.

Technical Support / Re: USB output messages and iGrid
« on: January 24, 2023, 11:59:14 am »
Only did update after landing - will monitor and report back after next flight ..

Technical Support / Re: USB output messages and iGrid
« on: January 23, 2023, 08:04:35 pm »
Hi Russ

I will see if I can reproduce what you are reporting.
can I ask what version you are running ?

Also can you let me have the exact settings configured for the flarm out


I've been running Version 20220101 - (I did update to 20220805 after landing today after I realised there was an update)
Flarm Out is configured as "Flarm-OUT" and 115200 (although I've tried 57,600 with the same results)
Device Connect Setting is Pilotaware(UDP)

Does that give you what you need?

Technical Support / Re: USB output messages and iGrid
« on: January 22, 2023, 06:49:44 pm »
Hi Russ

I will see if I can reproduce what you are reporting.
can I ask what version you are running ?

Also can you let me have the exact settings configured for the flarm out


I'll get the info from the PAW when I'm at the Airfield Mon/Tues  - Cheers

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