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Messages - Richardfernandes

Pages: [1]
Will do, thanks

Hi Lee, as requested

I've done a bit more work this evening and noticed that the two lights on the left hand side of the bridge (when viewed from the antenna end with the bridge on top) flash

the sequence is as follows



hi, sorry work keeping me too busy to look at this.

no sorry wasn't at the LAA rally


hi Lee

yes I'm sorry to say that it's been sat in the packaging for a long time since I ordered it - just never had the time to get round to putting it together. I've downloaded the s/w a couple of times but then got dragged away onto other things :-(

I've double checked the bridge in the RPi and it's sat correctly (by the way I'm an ex electronics engineer)


hi logging page attached

config screen shot


sorry for taking some time to get back to you on this

it is a home build and it has both a bridge and a licence key that appears to be working ok - I've double checked the key

I've attached a screen shot of the home screen, the config page to follow


I've finally got round to putting my pilotaware together & have a couple of questions

from the home screen I can confirm that:

I'm using a 'Model B Pi 2 Kernel=4.1.19-v7+'
I can see 6 satellites
my licence is valid until 20180629

I have 2 problems which I don't know if they related or not:

the navigation, ADS-B and GPS sections show green, however, the TRX is red. so I assume that I'm not transmitting.

The home screen shows the following:

TRX (RXTX) Unavailable TX=0 RX=0 CRCFAIL=0

In the logging section I get the following messages:

TRX-SER   : Fail, Baud = 0, Expecting 7 Retry
MAIN         : Await Radio Startup
(repeated 10 times)
TRX-SER   : Fail, Baud = 0, Expecting 7 Retry

etc etc

when I go into the config section I don't have any Mode C/S config options

I'm also using an Ipad power supply with a good quality power cable connecting them

any thoughts / suggestions?

many thanks


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