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Messages - Welsh Pilot

Pages: [1]
Technical Support / Re: Yet again - ghost target 100 feet above
« on: August 01, 2018, 01:00:44 am »
I'm also getting ghost reports 100 feet above and below since upgrading the firmware. Becker Mode S and Ameriking encoder, non ADS-B out.

Tell us more.....just a brief idea what it's about!

General Discussion / Re: Garmin 496 and traffic data
« on: March 27, 2017, 09:53:06 pm »
Great work -well done!! I would like to connect to a Garmin 695. Im watching your investigations with interest!

It will depend on the year of manufacture of the transponder. I purchased mine in 2008 so firstly it will require a software AND hardware upgrade for ADS-B. The bad news is the SDA/SIL setting will still be set incorrectly. It requires a further Firmware upgrade to allow SDA/SIL to be changed to 0. However, they are dragging their feet somewhat in producing the required Firmware to allow adjustment of the required settings.
Myself and many others purchased this transponder as it was advertised as ADS-B capable. It turns out it is not.......but will be after spending a few hundred pounds more on it!
The date after which they were ABS-B ready from the factory can be found on the Becker website (Germany). I think it was 2012.

Technical Support / Re: Radar distance and height cannot be altered.
« on: February 03, 2017, 02:14:11 am »
That's correct as far as I am concerned Lee.

General Discussion / Re: Nexus 7 and EasyVFR
« on: June 02, 2016, 10:33:28 pm »
Thanks I had seen this already.

Unless I missed it there is no mention of when the bridges will be available on the website.
I was lucky enough to be able to cancel my original ARF order the morning of the press release, I had ordered it the evening before.
So I'm not waiting for an exchange.

General Discussion / Re: Nexus 7 and EasyVFR
« on: June 02, 2016, 10:14:12 pm »
PilotAware Classics are available on the site.

Hi Lee,
I've been extremely patient but can you give us any idea when the bridges will be available?

The site says week commencing 30th for delivery the following week.

As it's Friday tomorrow that's appears to be highly unlikely at the moment.


General Discussion / Re: Audible alarm
« on: April 10, 2016, 03:29:54 pm »
It is my understanding that this will be incorporated into the software in the near future. However,this is likely to be after the "bridge" module has been launched.

General Discussion / Re: Paw and AVMAP EKP V
« on: April 03, 2016, 04:30:37 pm »
Yes you can. My XRX is coupled to my Garmin 695.

If anyone has a Becker BXP6401 transponder (I recall Welsh Flyer does), I complained to the company about them setting SDA=2 after they indicated they would NOT update the firmware, and the SDA setting also seemed at odds with the fact that SIL was set to zero. I let  them know that they appeared to be out of step with other manufacturers in these matters.

I received a reply from their General Manager that they will update their ADS-B offerings to support this but we will have to wait until second quarter of 2016.

Thank you for the heads up.

That's great news and thanks to all who pushed Becker on this.....

Yes I was also led to believe that the Becker had ES back in 2008 when I purchased it. I took this up with Becker and their response was they did not advertise ES. I'm sure they did but I can't prove it after all this time. That's £2000 wasted!

I have been talking to Becker regarding my BXP6401-2.

As mine is pre serial number 1999 I require a Firmware upgrade to Ver 2 and a hardware modification Ver 3.

I have queried the SIL SDA settings and this is their reply:

"I have checked and in our ADS-B solution in BXP6401:
-           the Surveillance Integrity Level is set to “0”
-          the System Design Assurance is set to „2” (it corresponds to Software & Hardware Design Assurance Level C)"

It would appear, but I am going to ask for clarification, that even after the upgrade the BXP6401 is still unsuitable for the NATS/CAA trial.

I will post when I have more information.
I have also attached the service bulletin.

Ok thanks

Hi Ben,

I too have been in touch with Adrian Price at NATS. He is aware that I intend using PAW and an iPad to provide the GPS. Doesn't seem to matter in the approvals process, judging from his response.

The LAA/Mod 14 application form calls for data setting SIL and SDA both be set to zero. I've contacted Harry Mendlessohn, who supplied us the Becker BXP6401, to find out how to do this as the Manual makes no mention of this. They weren't aware that anything needs changing on the units and are to get back to me when they have any further info.


What is the serial number on the Becker?
If its below 01999 it is not ADS-B enabled. There is a software and hardware upgrade available.
I also thought the trial had come to an end.....

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