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Topics - RobertPBham

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General Discussion / Manual software update - documentation update
« on: July 13, 2017, 12:30:18 am »
Hi there,

After reading about the new release and the kernel update I decided to fully update my PAW. Even with the latest documentation the details are out of date - I managed to get my PAW working but wanted to make you aware the documentation needs a tweak:

SD formatter has been updated to version 5 and there aren't any options to select - a full format worked fine on mine without having to set anything else.
After transferring the files to the memory card and then booting PAW, PAW takes about five minutes to extract the files and configure itself - this isn't mentioned in the documentation and I only found out after plugging in a HDMI cable and watching the process as I thought it wasn't working.
Although obvious I think it is worth mentioning that everyone should note their specific settings before doing this process as everything is wiped and you need to configure everything from scratch!

Just my thoughts and the instructions above may help other users.


Hi there,

I was just wondering if something had changed in the latest version of the software with regards to Mode S and C detection.

I was flying this weekend - and just to state the value of PAW has grown tremendously since I first bought it. The amount of gliders and planes it's flags up - whether Mode S, C or ADDB is stunning and improves every time I fly.

I digress - I did a flight this weekend from Wellesbourne, to Gloucester, Turweston, Cranfield and back to Wellesbourne. I picked up many contacts but noticed that some Mode S/C (where you only get the range circle) stated a height and that they were 'behind' - I've never seen the message 'behind'  before and thought PAW didn't know about the direction if it was Mode S or C - so I was really impressed. They definitely weren't ADSB contacts as I only had the range circle.

Is that a capability now or was it not Mode S/C?


Technical Support / PAW and VMware - a request too far.....
« on: May 06, 2017, 11:21:27 pm »
Hi all,

This may not be possible but just a thought I had this evening.

I would like to be able to play back my track files in to SkyDemon without having to use the PAW device. One option is for someone to develop an application to achieve this but I certainly don't have the skills and not sure how much interest there would be.

The other option (if possible) is to run the PAW software in a virtual environment (VMware). From a little reading I believe that Pi is based on Debian - if so, I could build a Linux virtual machine, install PAW (some how) and then run track files as required and play them in to SkyDemon on my PC/iPad etc.

Another part of the plan is to edit the track files to remove unneeded time (taxi, part of cruise etc as scrubbing isn't currently possible) so it'd be easy to view the parts you want - hence being able to do this in a virtual environment is a lot easy than transferring files back and fourth on the real device!

Is this even possible or a dream too far!?


General Discussion / Great flight - saw #LEEPAW#
« on: April 08, 2017, 08:04:52 pm »
Hi all,

Did a great bit of flying today - I had the PAW running and met many aircraft on my travels (a route from Wellesbourne, through Coventry, over the top of Birmingham, down to Gloucester and then back to Wellesbourne) - a special mention to #LEEPAW# - this person was flying just south of Wellesbourne and was flagged up by SkyDemon via PAW - I found it especially amusing watching the track as #LEEPAW# came behind us and followed our track like a fighter jet. :-) Wellesbourne were running their PAW as well!

I have definitely seen a massive up take in ADSB and PAW from the traffic I was detecting today compared to other flights last year! There were a couple of aircraft that passed by today that had no transponder or PAW turned on (I know there are other options). It's a great shame as it gives you great situational awareness - I don't think I would have spotted #LEEPAW# until they were a lot closer due to the haze and sun - I was aware of #LEEPAW# 6 miles before I was visual due to PAW!


General Discussion / Track replay feature in newest release
« on: February 26, 2017, 11:12:58 am »
Hi all,

Just wondering what the track reply feature is in the newest release - I thought it might be like the Java applet you could download to view the track however....

I've found the tab and when I click Play, nothing happens - other than it does say it's playing. I've tried it in IE and Chrome and exactly the same results. I've even plugged in head phones thinking it was potentially audio only - no sound at all.

Also, I'm interested in the improvement on the Mode C and S detection - what changes have been made?

Thanks for all your hard work improving the product.

Technical Support / Mode C and S detection - SkyDemon oddity...or not
« on: September 12, 2016, 03:17:44 pm »
Hi all,

Just got back from a fly out this weekend to Jersey with the club I am with - first trip across water and overseas and it was amazing.

I'm sure your not interested in my trip ramblings but spotted the following when I was flying over the water to Jersey - five aircraft made the trip and as I got over the water a bearing less alert appeared on SkyDemon - it was picking up one of the club planes. I spotted the reported aircraft - approximately 1/2 KM ahead and about 200 feet above. SkyDemon was reporting the aircraft as -0.2 - now I thought this meant they were below us and originally that's where my scan started. Does the -0.2 mean distance from my aircraft or is it height - it it's height is there any reason it was reported below (in my understanding) or am I understanding the -0.2 incorrectly and it means that my aircraft is 200 feet below the reported target.


Technical Support / Testing PilotAware setup in plane
« on: August 31, 2016, 12:09:34 am »
Hi folks,

I fly various aircraft from the club and this was one of the reasons I wanted a portable traffic solution and hence PilotAware.

One item I've struggled with is testing the functionality and install. Is there anyway of testing if I have the antennas positioned in the optimal way? On flights I detect traffic but don't know if it is picking up 360 degree traffic or if one of the antennas is shielded by something in the plane.


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