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Messages - PhilPassmore

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Technical Support / SkyDemon loss of connection (SOLVED)
« on: April 23, 2019, 03:59:53 pm »
Hi, just recently bought PAW to go in my SSDR and therefore not fitted it in the aircraft yet. I am bench running the setup, and on the whole am well satisfied with the results I am seeing. There does seem to be one small problem though. Despite running on a very clean, well regulated and multi-amp power supply, I am getting times when SkyDemon seems to lose connectivity with the PAW. At least initially, the PAW wifi network is still present, as it will sometimes re-connect. However, after a number of drop out/ reconnect cycles, it seems to get to the point where I am losing connectivity completely. I have tried upping the wifi power in configuration, and my tablet running skydemon is only a matter of a meter or so away from PAW. After powering off PAW for a while, all seems happy again. Is this likely to be a cooling issue? I have PAW inside a window at home, but the most recent failure occured with no direct sun, and not particullarly warm. These failures have happened after anything from a couple of hours of running, to 24 hours continuous.

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