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Messages - AlanG

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Technical Support / Re: Unable to load latest update.
« on: February 07, 2019, 10:39:22 pm »
No problem Eric, only sorry I've not been more help.
Can't think why the 12345678 password will not let you in.
Only other thing I can think is there has been some corruption when you made the new SD card.
You could try reformatting and downloading the software again.


Technical Support / Re: Unable to load latest update.
« on: February 07, 2019, 08:52:26 pm »
Just been looking at the OGN coverage map and see there is an OGN-R station at Chipping Airfield which is not that far from you.
Are you familiar with anyone there or could you make contact for some assistance as this would be much easier to sort out with someone who can see what is happening.


Technical Support / Re: Unable to load latest update.
« on: February 07, 2019, 08:47:09 pm »
Hi Eric

I'm now running out of ideas.  As you say it's a completed new download then the password should definitely be 12345678.

have you still got the card with the original version and can you try this in the station to see if this still works.  if it does then depending on the version it may be possible to do a manual update over the internet.  Will need Lee to confirm this.


Technical Support / Re: Unable to load latest update.
« on: February 07, 2019, 08:30:58 pm »
So when at password and you type in   12345678 your saying nothing happens.
I am assuming that you have are trying to upload the latest software from a newly prepared  SD card and not trying to access your original version as set up with Peter's assistance.  If it is the latter that you are trying to do then your password will be the one you set up with Peter,  your station name plus the number 1.  all in lower case letters.

sorry Eric , I didn't see your edit until after I posted.  No I don't know how to log into your system, there are things you would have to do to the router to allow someone to do that and I've been looking at your router specs and not sure if it can be done.


Technical Support / Re: Unable to load latest update.
« on: February 07, 2019, 08:03:13 pm »
Eric, when you type in   pi   and press enter does it then change to ask for password?


Technical Support / Re: Unable to load latest update.
« on: February 06, 2019, 10:00:37 pm »
Hi Eric

I can only suggest you try inputting the IP addresses one at a time in the format into the top url address bar of your browser and see if one of them takes you to the ognpaw Login.

If so enter pi  then press enter,  when prompted for password enter 12345678 then press enter.  Dont forget you will not see any response when you are typing in the numbers so just be careful to hit them in order.

If successful you should then be able to run the configuration file.

Hope this helps

Eric, if you still cannot get in after trying this please tell me who your internet provider is and if possible any info about the router you have.  look for a label on the back or bottom of the router.


Technical Support / Re: Unable to load latest update.
« on: February 06, 2019, 08:15:38 pm »
Hi Eric
did you use the IP scanner you were recommended last night to find the IP address of your ognpaw?
Edit:  I cannot get into mine via the http://ognpaw.local:4200  I have to use the IP Address
Also you do not use https it is only http://


Technical Support / Re: Unable to load latest update.
« on: February 05, 2019, 07:43:03 pm »
Hi Eric

Let us know how you get on.  The OGN-R station should show as "ognpaw" on the IP scanner.  I've just tried it on my own network.  If it has changed its IP address please let us know the name of your broadband provider and if possible the name of your router and maybe we can find out how to set it to assign a known IP address to the station.


Technical Support / Re: Unable to load latest update.
« on: February 05, 2019, 05:02:10 pm »
Hi Eric

It's very possible that your router can change the IP address of your devices especially if you have turned off your router overnight or it has rebooted for any reason.  You should be able to go into your router settings and see a list of all of your connected devices and see what IP address has been allocated to your Raspberry Pi.
It may be possible to define the IP address for your Pi so that this does not happen if turned off or rebooted but depends on your provider and the specific router you use. 

Eric are you setting this up using a keyboard and monitor or using the "Shell in a Box" via your web browser?


Technical Support / Re: Unable to load latest update.
« on: February 05, 2019, 04:30:51 pm »
Hi Eric

With Linux, the password does not show when you type, not even the asterix markers that you would see in windows.
Just type in your password exactly as you saved it, being mindful of capitalisation in the correct places, or if it is a full new version on a new card then the password will be 12345678 and you are advised to change this on the first run of the configuration file.  When you type it in you will not see anything happen until you hit enter.  If you got the password correct it will let you in, if not it will spit back at you and tell you it was "incorrect login"

This Linux is a huge learning curve for me too, not helped bu aged brain cells.


Technical Support / Re: Rosetta Startup Failure
« on: January 29, 2019, 07:15:46 pm »
Your report that the GPS indicator is orange is the reason that the Tx/Tx & Press Alt will remain at red.
These will not operate until you have GPS fix.  What we need to understand is why you are not getting a GPS fix.
Are you operating the unit indoors or outside where it can get a good view of the sky.  If the unit has not been on for a few days it can take a while to establish a GPS lock.  Also if the unit has been moved from place to place switched off it can also take a while to determine its new location and get a lock.
More info on this will help.


Edit:  Pipped at the post by Peter.   AGAIN!!!!

Hi Roger

This can be achieved very easily in the network settings just by changing the SSID Name.
You can also set a password if desired then no one can log into your unit inadvertently.  I tend to use my a/c reg as my SSID. Simples.   ;D

Edit:  Remember if you do a full SD card update you will need to reset this again as with the other data in the configure screen.

Technical Support / Re: Problem with Android connection
« on: December 10, 2018, 08:35:40 pm »
Hi all

I could be wrong but i think the problem Roger was having with the Android devises in question is that they will not log on to the PilotAware hotspot because the tablet detects that there is no internet connection. It often puts an exclamation mark at the end of the address in the wifi list of available networks.  This was the solution that I found and worked for me.

Solution 1 (does not require root):
1. Reboot phone and wait until Wifi is connected
2. Go to Settings and create a new user
3. Continue with user setup until you see "checking connection"
4. As soon as you see "checking connection", switch off your phone
5. Switch on your phone again
6. Toggle Wifi, and the exclamation mark should disappear quickly
7. You may optionally remove the new user you just created

This worked on my Nexus 2013 which refused to allow me to connect to the PAW hotspot because it detected that there was no internet associated with it.


Technical Support / Re: Problem with Android connection
« on: December 10, 2018, 11:09:27 am »
Hi Roger

I've had this with one device and I googled it and got an answer to the effect that you need to start to create another user account and then when its gets to a certain point back out of it but for the life of me I cant remember the exact sequence.  Sorry i don't have time to search for it again just now but you could try it.  If all else fails I'll have look later.


OGN-R PilotAware / Re: New Stations Added
« on: November 15, 2018, 10:12:11 pm »
PWEdinbuW is now up & running. Only in my loft just now And battery powered for testing purposes as currently no permanent power up there.


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