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Topics - skyboy999

Pages: [1]
Technical Support / Is there a way to save iGrid Radar screen settings?
« on: September 22, 2022, 05:45:41 pm »
Radar screen has various parameters: H+/-; V+/-; TFC; MET; RAIN; POI; AIRFIELDS.

It seems I have to set my preferences each time I connect? Is there a way to save?

Technical Support / external antennae
« on: January 05, 2022, 02:23:18 pm »
Vector currently shows poor coverage in 8 o'clock to 2 o'clock area which is consistent with where my classic unit is presently mounted. As a result, I am considering external aerial(s). Couple of questions to help me:
1) I'm showing perfect ADS-B coverage but, presumably, this is from my transponder rather than PAW?
2) However 'ModeS' option shows nothing which makes me question above?
3) If I go down the external aerial route, I would need a ground plane, and presumably, a different one to that which my transponder uses. Could I use a separate ground plane for both PAW aerials?

Technical Support / CONNECTING TO DEVICE
« on: August 14, 2019, 03:54:39 pm »
I have classic unit powered by 'Charge2' with GPS mouse, running latest PAW version. I run SD on an iPad mini 4 IOS 12.3.1. I also have serial connection to a Dynon Skyview.

For a while now, I was getting this message intermittently. Assuming there was a problem with the GPS dongle, I purchased a GPS mouse from PAW but, unfortunately, this did not improve things. I also recently upgraded to latest version but, again, no difference. If anything, the problem has got worse over time and now it is the norm, rather than the exception, to get the 'Connecting to device' message when selecting go fly>use Pilotaware. FWIW, traffic shows fine on the Skyview so, fundamentally, PAW seems to be working ok although I don't think GPS is required for this as it just streams traffic supplied locations?

Any advice appreciated. Also, is it possible to find out which/how many satellites are visible/connected? I have seen this functionality on other GPS devices but can't see if this available from PAW?

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