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Topics - rasputin2068

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Lack of contacts
« on: September 24, 2015, 11:04:40 pm »

Everything seems to be working and all components recognised by the web interface.
However the number of aircraft displayed has dropped considerably and now only appear when very close.
The ADSB sentences total keeps building during a test session, as do the GPS sentences (TCP).
I live 9 miles to the NE of Liverpool Airport and frequently have inbound aircraft overhead on their way in.
I have noticed the drop since the 20150919 software was applied, were there any changes made that would explain this or is there anything I can do to resolve it?
Previously I was picking up commercial aircraft as far down South as Stoke and over to Leeds.



General Discussion / WiFi issues
« on: September 18, 2015, 12:37:39 pm »

I appear to be having WiFI issues with my setup.
I have tried two USB WiFi dongles from the PiHut.
Both have worked for a period of time and then appear not to work now.
Attached is a screenshot of where it currently freezes and the red light on the dongle at that point.
Yesterday it went past this stage to where it was asking for the licence key, but no device was able to get a WiFi connection to the PilotAware, Nexus, Ipad and IPhone.

Any suggestions would be very welcome.



General Discussion / How do I activate the FLARM function in Simulate mode
« on: September 16, 2015, 09:40:52 pm »
I am going to the airfield tomorrow and would like to show all there, Pilot aware and how it works.
I did see it demonstrated in the simulate mode at the LAA rally.
Any guidance would be appreciated.



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