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Messages - peter843

Pages: [1]
Answering my own question. I did some experimentation. Removed the GPS dongle from USB port 1. Connected 2 wire TX to a RS-232 to USB adapter.  Configured PAW USB port 1 to GPS. Sent simulated 4800 baud NMEA data. The PAW decodes nicely.

Technical Support / PAW integration with Foreflight and or Garmin
« on: November 20, 2021, 01:46:09 pm »
Hi all,
Does PAW work well with Foreflight. Is it working in the same way that Skydemon does using GDL90 ?

I heard that Garmin have a proprietary protocol for traffic info, so no integration of PAW and Garmin panels like G3x yet ?

To avoid the complexity of fitting another GPS antenna, and to be able to utilise the best GPS antenna on the plane, I was wondering if I can feed my Garmin GTN650 or G3X GPS data into the PAW via a serial NMEA connection. Has anyone done this? Any idea which pins in the Garmin. Does PAW  decode NMEA directly?

Looking at the G3X install guide it's noted. "The G3X system can provide NMEA 0183 formatted GPS position data to an ELT, via an RS-232 output from a GDU display."
I wonder can the PAW use this same data stream, recieve only no handshake,  2 wire RS-232?

Hi all,
My first post.
I am fitting my PAW Classic into an old avionics chassis so that I can make a semi permanent fitting in one of the spare avionics slots in a PA28. Still using Anker USB charger and connecting audio to aircraft mic socket (ie not hard wired).

So I fitted the PAW unit to a front panel of a chassis and them brought out the SMA antenna , power and audio connections to the front panel so I can easily and tidily set up the unit and leave it in the plane.

It works ok but my main problem is knowing if its powered up successfully or not. I can wait for the GPS flashing light , but it would be good to bring out some of the LEDs from the PAW board to an LED on the front panel.

Looking in the documentation it's not clear what the 4 LEDs on the PAW board do ie:


Does anyone know what they mean and if they are in anyway useful to wire up to a LED on the front panel ?


Technical Support / Skydemon unable to connect to PAW server
« on: August 25, 2017, 11:35:18 am »
Hi. My PAW  has been working fine. Now I think after  skydemon update, which now offers flam and pilotaware in its connectivity set up, I can't get skydemon to communicate. Unable to connect to PAW server. Anyideas. Is this a known issue.

I can log on to no problem home page attached shows all is well. And the traffic radar works fine.

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