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Messages - Huntwing

Pages: [1]
Technical Support / Re: Testing ADSB using the pilotaware
« on: April 23, 2018, 11:21:18 am »
As stated previously this used to work OK on the ground and I tested it on numerous occasions for both Funke and Trig installations.

It appears to only work now when flying, despite the fact that you can see interrogations of the Transponder on the ground and the fact that ADSB is broadcast not reliant on interrogation.

I tested my own setup yesterday whilst flying but briefly connecting to a second pilotaware which was factory set and it worked perfectly. All of my flights, and the others I have tested sho up on Planefinder as soon as we switch on the GOS source so we know they are working.

So still confused as to why I can only get the full CSAP showing when in flight but will have to get people to fly around now to capture screen shot.


Technical Support / Re: Testing ADSB using the pilotaware
« on: April 14, 2018, 11:03:16 pm »
Almost certainly not MLAT. Only shows on flight radar when ADSB is activated.

Technical Support / Re: Testing ADSB using the pilotaware
« on: April 14, 2018, 06:10:33 pm »
This is on the ground, however not in hanger and they show signs they are being interrogated, although this shouldn’t matter for ADSB. This used to work fine it’s only over the last 6 months or so I have struggled.


Technical Support / Re: Testing ADSB using the pilotaware
« on: April 13, 2018, 12:25:31 pm »
They are definately getting the correct feed, as I said they appear on Skyradar and the trig tells you when it isnt getting a feed as well as displaying the coordinates when you press the function button twice. The Funke is also showing the coordinates when you go into the show setup mode.

My own system (using a sperate GPS feed) and running over a year and clearly working on Flightradar does not show up either on as ADSB on my friends Pilotaware but I haven't tried switching off my pilotaware which will be the next test.


Technical Support / Testing ADSB using the pilotaware
« on: April 13, 2018, 08:52:46 am »
I have been asked to test and sign off a number of ADSB installations over the last 18 months and was able to use my pilotaware to do this quite easily. However over the last 6 months I have struggled to see ADSB on a number of aircraft, both with Trig and Funkwerke installations, despite knowing that they are working (the devices are displaying location and are showing up on Flightradar).

In all cases they are also running Pilotaware and the P3l output displays within the traffic screen but not the ADSB (---P- instead of CSAP-) similarly ADSB status does not appear.
However if its left on long enough in most cases it does appear for a brief period, which then populates the ADSB status fields and these seem to stay there after it has returned to ---P-. Its as if the P3l is overriding the ADSB.

As the majority of these aircraft are taking their GPS feed from the spare port on the Pilotaware we have not been able to turn off the pilotaware and I ac concerned to remove the P3i antenna for fear of damaging the output stage of the Pilotaware board.

Any solutions would be appreciated.

Kind regards


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