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Topics - onkelmuetze

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Hardwiring USB components to Pi
« on: October 13, 2015, 07:01:20 am »
Has anyone put some work or thoughts into hardwiring the USB-components and put them all in one case? For use in an aircraft, I would really like to get rid of every loose connection and cable possible.

I spent some time thinking about it, should not be a big problem. I am pretty good at soldering, but I have concerns about the heat beeing produced by DVB-T and WiFi dongles cooking each other (and the Pi...).

General Discussion / Licence Expiry and future Prices
« on: September 15, 2015, 10:45:11 am »
I am wondering, how all this will develop in the future, what we have here is a well running project, with lots of effort from different sides.

Now we have the first software version with a licence expiry set, and as lee wrote on the webpage, pilotaware will probably not remain free of licence charge forever. People around keep asking me if I can build up hardware for them. So I am interested in lee's thoughts and plans about future pricing, before I build all that stuff and every second party is gonna scrap his device because of high costs when the tests licence expires.

Please don't get me wrong on this, Lee, i really appreciate your work, but I would like to know where we are gonne end pricewise.

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