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Messages - Jim13

Pages: [1] 2
Technical Support / Re: ADSB DONGLE GETTING HOT
« on: March 26, 2018, 03:30:36 pm »
Have tested inside and out, as you indicated outside was better.

Tested it yesterday in the air and now seems to be ok.

Many thanks for you help and patience.


Technical Support / Re: ADSB DONGLE GETTING HOT
« on: March 18, 2018, 07:33:25 pm »
Hi Keith & Lee,

1  I am using the complete new dongle and antenna that was sent by Dave.

2  I have been trying the new set up indoors in the conservatory and it picks up traffic indicating "CSA" on the traffic page, once the ADSB adaptor alert is generated this traffic drops to CS, the target disappears from Sky Demon and the indicator on the home page goes Red and the light indicators on the PAW change from constant Green to 1 red flash and 3 green flashes.



Technical Support / Re: ADSB DONGLE GETTING HOT
« on: March 18, 2018, 11:40:42 am »
Hi again Lee,

Received replacement dongle from Dave and have tried a trial run on the ground at home but the problem still seems to be the same.

Have attached a snapshot of the logging page if it helps

Technical Support / Re: ADSB DONGLE GETTING HOT
« on: March 05, 2018, 04:38:59 pm »
Hi Lee,
Sorry for the confusion, I am using a juicy bits cable with an Anker power block.

The issue is still there, sometimes the ADSB dongle alert comes every minute or so then clear then reappears. Longest I have monitored is about 5 mins.

Dave is sending me a replacement so will let you know if it makes any difference.

Thanks for the assistance.


Technical Support / Re: ADSB DONGLE GETTING HOT
« on: March 04, 2018, 01:07:33 pm »
Hi Lee,

Any update on my ADSB problem.

Technical Support / Re: ADSB DONGLE GETTING HOT
« on: February 27, 2018, 03:05:40 pm »
Hi Lee,

Thanks for your response.

1 PAW stopped working with a " not received data" statement I believe but had a heavy workload at the time so cannot be completely sure.

2. Using Anker Power Block and Anker cable.

3. Using latest PAW Software V20180129



« on: February 25, 2018, 03:43:26 pm »
Hi there, today whilst flying my PAW stopped working.
After returning home I set it up again and found the following:-

After a short while the green light changed from.fkashing 4 times to being permanently on for several seconds and then only flashing twice.
Further home page showed intermittent connectivity with ADSB. Checked ADSB dongle and found it to be very very hot.
Have disconnected it and await any help that you can give.

Many thanks,


Technical Support / Re: Loss of Connectivity in Sklydemon
« on: September 11, 2017, 11:46:58 am »
After Lee's last response regarding using SkyDemon as opposed to FLARM, the SkyDemon connection worked for fine.
Also received replacement WiFi dongle and now both FLARM and SkyDemon are working correctly.

Many thanks for all your advice


Technical Support / Re: Loss of Connectivity in Sklydemon
« on: September 02, 2017, 07:54:51 pm »
Hi Peter,

I was aware of the SkyDemon option but have not yet tried it.

I assume that you did not see anything untoward of the screen dumps of the logging and home pages.

Thanks once again


Technical Support / Re: Loss of Connectivity in Sklydemon
« on: September 01, 2017, 01:31:01 pm »
Have also now arranged for replacement WiFi Dongle as I bought mine at the beginning of the year and I noticed on the forum that there may have been some problems with them at that time



Technical Support / Re: Loss of Connectivity in Sklydemon
« on: August 31, 2017, 10:40:01 am »
Hi Lee,
Updated as suggested with full version but still the same problem.



Technical Support / Re: Loss of Connectivity in Sklydemon
« on: August 30, 2017, 05:28:10 pm »
Further screenshot

Technical Support / Re: Loss of Connectivity in Sklydemon
« on: August 30, 2017, 05:26:15 pm »
Hi Peter,

Yes it is the Home built one.-

Attached are the screenshots:

Drop outs are occuring in the Aircraft.

After receiving the Anker Power Bank yesterday it ran for 4 hours without any problem in my conservatory. However today after about 3 hours it started to drop out and would not reconnect.

Power Bank details as follows: -

 Dear Customer,

Thank you for your order from AnkerDirect. Fulfilment by Amazon has shipped the following items. This completes your order.
  You can track your shipment by visiting

Dispatched via HERMES_UK (estimated delivery date: 29/08/2017 GMT)
Tracking No: 7621237816785951
 Qty    Item
 1      Anker PowerCore 20100 - Ultra High Capacity Power Bank with on...

Tried wiggling the power lead shows no problem.

I believe that I am running the latest versions of both PAW and SkyDemon:

Running version of SkyDemon & Version 20161124 of PAW.

Hope this helps.

Many thanks,


Technical Support / Re: Loss of Connectivity in Sklydemon
« on: August 30, 2017, 02:37:42 pm »
Hi Lee,

Please find the following info,

1  I am using and Ipad

2 Version V20161124

3   Using FLARM

4  I belive so but can't get back to that screen at present
5 Still connected to PAW Wifi



Technical Support / Loss of Connectivity in Sklydemon
« on: August 30, 2017, 01:27:19 pm »
Hi again,

I have been experiencing random loss of connectivity between my PAW and Skydemon. I originally thought that it might be power related but have just used an ANKER 20100 and whilst it worked for a few hours, it has now lost connectivity and displays a banner saying "Failed to establish a connection with the Butterfly Connect Unit".

Can anyone suggest a fix?

May thanks,


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