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Topics - roweda

Pages: [1]
Technical Support / Traffic Distances in Kilometres?
« on: June 20, 2017, 07:36:36 pm »
What is the reason that traffic distances and Audio Warning Zones are set in kilometres?

Is it due to our cack handed approach to decimalisation where we as pilots measure runways and visibility in kilometres but fly legs in a route and get air traffic instructions in nm?

Are there any plans to introduce a configurable option.


General Discussion / PilotAware Release 20151218 - Bugs
« on: December 18, 2015, 08:38:11 pm »

I love the 5 second scrolling between Registration and Flight Number, but there seem to be some serious errors with the Registrations depicted when I compare the same Hex Codes and Registrations reported by FR24.

A couple of examples at approx. 20:35 are

PAW - VP-BDL Hex 4242F4 - FR24 VP-BBS

Also the Traffic screen is showing DIST-KM. Surely this should be NM?


General Discussion / Date/Timebug in 20151205
« on: December 10, 2015, 09:02:00 pm »

On the new improved web page, the Date value is showing as 19:53 GMT when it is actually 20:53 GMT.

This is on a 3G iPad with inbuilt GPS and a PAW unit with a connected GLONAS USB GPS.

It would be nice if the data on the Configure web page could be larger and the buttons bigger, with not everything crammed to the left margin at character 1.


General Discussion / Date/Time
« on: October 30, 2015, 01:51:43 pm »

Is there a way of the Pi being updated with the correct Date/Time from the GPS, either from the GPS in the tablet or via a GLONAS USB GPS directly connected to a USB port of the Pi?

On my Asus Memo Pad M173X, the Date/Time settings were configured to pick up date/time from the network. When connected to a Pi by WiFi with an incorrect date/time, the credentials on my tablet were changed. I have since changed the tablet to pick up date/time from GPS and this seems to have resolved it.

On iPads, I suspect that they are configured to only get time from a nominated Apple time source but I am not sure how Android works.

Please can you advise as it is of course possible that something else was the root cause of this.



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