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Messages - Tony T

Pages: [1]
Technical Support / Trig serial output format
« on: July 11, 2018, 10:08:48 am »
Quick question - when I select Trig transponder as the serial output format, is it generating NMEA or Aviation format as the TT31 can accept either.  Thanks  Tony

Technical Support / Re: Opening the Rosetta case!
« on: July 10, 2018, 03:16:36 pm »
Thanks for the quick reply Keith - that is now all sorted.  Tony

Technical Support / Opening the Rosetta case!
« on: July 10, 2018, 12:17:08 pm »
Afraid this is a really dumb question but having received my shiny new Rosetta I now want to fit an RS232 dongle so tried opening the case.  I released the four lugs and the case opens a small amount but no further so rather than forcing it and damaging something I thought I would seek some advice!   Thanks. Tony

OGN-R PilotAware / Re: Some OGN-R questions
« on: April 13, 2018, 07:42:15 am »
Is there an update on the development to add a map display to OGNR?  I am in discussion with a local airfield over installing one and it is clearly a big selling point if they can have a display showing all local aircraft without the need or expense of another PAW setup.  In any case it would also serve to show everything was working properly.

General Discussion / 'Invalid GPS' messages when using Ipad location data
« on: November 15, 2015, 11:38:29 am »
Not sure if this has been raised before - couldn't find any mention of it in a search.  The problem I am seeing is that using an ipad running Skydemon and Collision Aware, the GPS data back to the PAW regularly reverts to 'Invalid GPS' in the NAV log.  I have tried two different Ipads and also tried using an external bluetooth GPS but it still continues to happen.  Interestingly, Sky Demon seems quite happy with the GPS data it is receiving as it stays in Navigation mode with a rock solid location

The PAW works fine with its own GPS so it is not a show stopper but wondered if anyone else had experience this.



General Discussion / Re: WiFi issues
« on: October 29, 2015, 12:56:42 pm »
That explains it  - I was taken in by the claim that the Pi 2 was 'fully backward compatible' with the B+ - obviously not the case.  I wonder how many others have had a similar issue?  Will order a B+ and hopefully that will resolve this.



General Discussion / Re: WiFi issues
« on: October 29, 2015, 12:21:57 pm »
Hi Lee - the latest one came from uk-lightszone on ebay - I just followed one of the links on the forum. 

However I have made some progress this morning as I had an old Pi B (not a 2) and so tried that instead and everything fired up correctly.  It therefore suggests that the Pi B 2 is faulty - looking at the network stats for either the wi-fi or ethernet my PC never sees any received data from it.  However I seem to remember a note in the forum somewhere about the v1.1 PI (which this one is) and just wonder if there is a compatability issue given a number of people have had the same issues?

General Discussion / Re: WiFi issues
« on: October 29, 2015, 11:24:20 am »
Has there been any update on the wi-fi dongle issues - I have been trying to get the wi-fi on mine to work for 2 weeks now and have followed all the advice in the various threads - new power supply and 20 gauge cable, replacement wi-fi dongle from a source that 'works' but still have similar problems to others - pi boots up and starts to display the licence message with the correct mac  address but neither my PC or ipad can connect to it - also sometimes after 5 lines of the correct mac address the pi reverts to a mac address of all zeros.


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