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Topics - DY691

Pages: [1]
French Specific Forum / Reception Flarm
« on: April 29, 2024, 10:37:40 am »
Bonjour à tous
petite question, y en a t il parmi vous qui recoivent les flarms depuis les soucis avec l OGN sur le Rosetta ?
cela à plutôt bien marché avec l installation et le partage de connexion avec mon GSM mais depuis 1 mois et demi plus rien ...

Technical Support / Problem Receiving FLARM with Rosetta (in France)
« on: March 26, 2024, 04:35:21 pm »
Good evening
Is it possible to have an idea of how long it will take for the flarms to reappear on rosetta?
my latest version is 20230316 maybe I forgot to update...
Bonne soirée

Technical Support / Status Volt error
« on: May 10, 2023, 10:44:19 am »
I have a small problem with my Rosetta, it is mounted in my plane and when I go on the status page the voltage appears red with volt error indicated.
The information appears on the Dynon HDX screen connected in rs232 as well as on the air Crew connected in wifi.
I plugged in a friend's Rosetta instead of mine and the status is green.
I used the same power supply from my aeroplane 12v cigarette lighter Anker the same cables, the same phenomenon occurs with a battery power supply as well as on a usb plug in my car ...
I have opened the Rosetta cover to see if the power plug is in place and it seems to be ok.
Maybe it's from the motherboard?
If you have any idea?
Thanks for your help and have a nice day.

I am installing a TRX 1500 module in my machine. I already have an Aircrew in my machine connected to a Rosetta.
The TRX 1500 has a Flarm module and I want to connect it to the aircrew via the RJ45 socket.
Unfortunately there is no RJ45 output in the TRX 1500.
the link is made through a DB15 socket I enclose the manual the links are described on pages 16 17 18
Thank you for your advice
Guy Ferrer

Technical Support / Radar page blank
« on: August 20, 2021, 06:28:44 pm »
Hello to all
A friend who just received a Rosetta has a problem with the display of the radar page on his iPhone and iPad. The configuration is now correct on his iPad but the problem remains on the iPhone
The different buttons don't seem to work, the page remains blank despite pressing the Disp.... buttons
Attached his configuration page and a copy of the radar page.
The Rosetta works correctly and the traffic page shows the other devices well...
Thanks for your help

French Specific Forum / Bienvenue
« on: March 27, 2021, 11:48:15 am »
Bonjour à tous
je me lance ...j'ai installé un Rosetta dans ma machine WT9 Dynamic relié au Dynon HDX par un cable usb/rs232.
les infos adsb sont bien transmises au Dynon sauf les immatriculations...
j'ai bien une alarme traffic lors de la détection des mode S/C mais sans étiquettes de couleurs(rouge,jaune,vert) une annonce vocale passe dans mon casque par un cable entre le Rosetta et le boitier interphone.
j'ai également installé un horizon de secours Aircrew intégré au tableau de bord relié en wifi au Rosetta.
la partie Horizon n'est pas exploitable à l'heure actuelle (ok si avion stabilisé mais les infos sont fausses si virages accelerations...) l'avantages du boitier Aircrew est la possibilité de pouvoir afficher l'équivalent de la page radar du Rosetta (adsb avec immat étiquettes mode S/C avec code de couleurs)
Pas de positionnement des modes S/C ni flarms possible avec le Rosetta le nombre de stations sol est trop faibles...pour cela il faudra s’orienter vers le stratux...

Technical Support / Connecting Pilot Aware to SkyView
« on: June 24, 2020, 06:00:53 pm »
Good morning to all
I'm flying in France on a WT9, I installed a pilotawre connected to the skyview HDX via a rs 232 link.
On the skyview I can see the ADSB aircrafts, for the aircrafts in s/c mode I have only the voice announcement by bluetooth link.
my settings are as recommended port 2 of the rosetta flarm out on the skyview port 3 serial in Flarm traffic both sets set to 57600 bauds.
Is there a way to have the aircraft in C/S mode represented by a circle around my aircraft ?
I had in my previous machine a TRX 1500 connected to a skiview touch which fulfilled this function what lets me think that the skyview can read this data.
I will try to select garmin tis instead of Flarm traffic on the dynon on my next flight...
Thank you for your help.

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