Author Topic: Track replay feature in newest release  (Read 7029 times)


Track replay feature in newest release
« on: February 26, 2017, 11:12:58 am »
Hi all,

Just wondering what the track reply feature is in the newest release - I thought it might be like the Java applet you could download to view the track however....

I've found the tab and when I click Play, nothing happens - other than it does say it's playing. I've tried it in IE and Chrome and exactly the same results. I've even plugged in head phones thinking it was potentially audio only - no sound at all.

Also, I'm interested in the improvement on the Mode C and S detection - what changes have been made?

Thanks for all your hard work improving the product.


Re: Track replay feature in newest release
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2017, 11:16:04 am »
Click play
then go on your navigation tool, SD etc
The recorded track will replay



Re: Track replay feature in newest release
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2017, 11:19:33 am »
Ah brilliant - even better than I had imagined!



Re: Track replay feature in newest release
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2017, 11:28:48 am »
The only improvement I can think to suggest is the ability to specify where the track starts from or a scrub bar so you could jump to the exact location you want - I can't see a way of doing this at the moment (I might have missed something).

I normally have PAW setup well in advance of leaving the field and hence probably have 10 to 20 minutes of the plane not moving an inch - hence playing back the track isn't the most exciting thing to watch! :-)



Re: Track replay feature in newest release
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2017, 07:08:29 pm »

I fell into that trap the first time I tried it. Sat watching the screen, wondering why nothing was moving, then realised I was running a track from a test I had done in the house..... Duh!!   :-\ 8)

Good idea about a scrub bar by the way - would certainly help if looking for a particular point in a long flight.




Re: Track replay feature in newest release
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2017, 10:45:12 pm »
I also would like a scrub bar of some kind  8), as it's rather tedious after an hours flying to check what happened in the last 10 minutes, and if you missed it because your making a cuppa you have to do it all again  ;D ;D

Great work by the way, keep up the good work


Ian Melville

Re: Track replay feature in newest release
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2017, 06:04:37 am »
Plus one for a scrub bar. I mentioned the same to Lee before.

I would also like pre-filter recording of traffic, inc mode c/s, but that may be asking for too much  :-[


Re: Track replay feature in newest release
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2017, 07:10:02 pm »
Hi guys,

I don't know what I'm doing wrong but I can't get the track replay feature to work. I upgraded to version 20170223 yesterday and subsequently did a couple of circuits. The PAW is installed "permanently " in our Eurostar, so cannot try it at home. I selected Play for the track file in question (which turned red and changed to "stop") but EasyVFR, my Nav program, resolutely failed to show details of the flight, instead showing my position ensconced in the hangar whilst showing CAT overhead.

Thought about it further that evening and discovered that for this flight EVFR was using the internal iPad GPS rather than PAW GPS and I thought this may possibly override the track replay feature. I had to go back to the airfield today so tried it again with "Use Flarm GPS as Easy VFR GPS" selected to ON. Still no luck so any pointers to getting it working gratefully received.

EVFR shows breadcrumb tracks so not sure how the PAW system differs but hope that it might display contacts seen during the flight relative to track, on the moving map display as though it were "real time".

I downloaded the flight to memory stick. Is there anyway track replay can be replayed at home or will I need a full blown PAW with Bridge to accomplish this? I do have a RPi B+ with Baro, but no Bridge that is still working as ADS-B receiver only, while the licence is still current. Useful for testing!


Re: Track replay feature in newest release
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2017, 07:41:14 pm »
If your gps was not used from paw, this was your issue.
You would need to take traffic and gps



Re: Track replay feature in newest release
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2017, 11:32:48 pm »
Thanks Lee.

I'll make sure the PAW GPS is selected on EVFR for all subsequent flights (it usually is!) and try the replay function after that.

I thought it likely that I could replay the file having changed over the Nav program GPS source selection, to the PAW GPS, because the PAW would have utilised its own connected UBlox7 mouse for the track recording.

Ian Melville

Re: Track replay feature in newest release
« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2017, 05:54:25 am »
I thought the same as Moffrestorer, the PAW has no knowledge of which nav software is in user or it's choice of GPS?

One thing not mentioned I'd that after pressing playback, you need to go to the nav software and run it as though you were doing a live flight, i.e. fly using Flarm input.


Re: Track replay feature in newest release
« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2017, 09:28:57 am »

One thing not mentioned I'd that after pressing playback, you need to go to the nav software and run it as though you were doing a live flight, i.e. fly using Flarm input.

I was doing so, but was seeing live CAT tracking overhead, so not a recording. Perhaps I needed to shut down EVFR Nav program and re-start it once playback selected?


« Last Edit: March 06, 2017, 10:46:45 am by Admin »


Re: Track replay feature in newest release
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2017, 10:46:12 am »
If your gps was not used from paw, this was your issue.
You would need to take traffic and gps

Some confusion, let me clarify.
What I mean is that during playback, your nav tool must take GPS and TRAFFIC from PilotAware.
If your nav tool is only taking traffic, the traffic will replay, relative to your current GPS position.

In which case I suspect that you were possibly seeing recorded traffic, overlayed your current position.


Ian Melville

Re: Track replay feature in newest release
« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2017, 11:05:26 am »
I thought the GPS position was recorded along with the traffic data. On playback both are sent to the nav software. IIRC I also got live traffic at one point mixed with plyback, so disconnected ADSB RX and GPS, then it played back as expected.
During playback the Traffic  page on your PAW, should only show F type (FLARM) traffic, and the locationat the top should move with the recording.

Will double check when i get home


Re: Track replay feature in newest release
« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2017, 03:13:59 pm »
I thought the GPS position was recorded along with the traffic data.
That is correct

On playback both are sent to the nav software.

IIRC I also got live traffic at one point mixed with plyback, so disconnected ADSB RX and GPS, then it played back as expected.
That should not happen, but would need to check

During playback the Traffic  page on your PAW, should only show F type (FLARM) traffic, and the locationat the top should move with the recording.
Will double check when i get home