Author Topic: Enhancement Requests  (Read 251712 times)


Re: Enhancement Requests
« Reply #330 on: May 15, 2017, 11:01:03 am »
Having been using the Radar feature all the time today I have two suggestions to improve it;
1.  Different colour screen.   When flying towards the sun it was quite hard to see white on black text.  So in addition to the current screen styles is it possible to have black on white?
2.  An auto save for the filter settings on the Radar screen.   Each time I go into the Radar I have to change the height and range filters from the default 50km, 50,000' settings.   Would be good if the settings I chose 'autosaved' so they were preserved next time I went into the Radar

I've noticed an intermittent problem with PAW Radar.

With Radar running on my Motorola Moto G phone (Android 4.4.4), the Radar screen was rock solid and worked perfectly.  However since I started using a Motorola Moto E phone (Android 5.1), Radar works 95% of the time,  but occasionally and for no obvious reason, the screen sometimes inverts, turns white and the black aeroplane and traffic plots all turn yellow. 

Needless to say yellow text on a white background isn't readable !   After maybe 15-30 seconds the screen then reverts back to normal.

This only seems to occur on Android 5.1, not had the issue with 4.4.4.



Re: Enhancement Requests
« Reply #331 on: May 15, 2017, 11:09:21 am »
Hi Geoffrey

This may not be an issue with the version of Android, but with the web browser being used.

Are you using the same web browser in both cases ?
and are both browsers the same version ?

We did notice an issue in chrome when enabling 'graphics hardware acceleration'



Re: Enhancement Requests
« Reply #332 on: May 15, 2017, 01:26:50 pm »
Hi Geoffrey

This may not be an issue with the version of Android, but with the web browser being used.

Are you using the same web browser in both cases ?
and are both browsers the same version ?

We did notice an issue in chrome when enabling 'graphics hardware acceleration'

Hi Lee,

In both cases I was using a full-screen browser ( - see my other post on this topic).  It doesn't say,  but I would assume that its using the underlying System WebView that is being used by this browser - this was definitely up to date and fully patched.

I couldn't see how to turn on or off hardware graphics acceleration on the phone.



Re: Enhancement Requests
« Reply #333 on: June 05, 2017, 10:22:15 am »
I saw development 'chat' on a different thread and thought I'd better not join in and dilute it further with my ramblings but has any further consideration been given to installing the height and range filters in PAW, instead of relying on the likes of the SD filters? I won't repeat my reasoning behind this as it is already in this thread a little further back. I know these things take time and a lot of work but I'm just wondering if it is under consideration.

I don't feel so guilty now asking these questions as at least I now own a PAW unit, albeit it's in a box in England and unlikely to see me playing with it for a while :-)


Re: Enhancement Requests
« Reply #334 on: June 05, 2017, 10:55:53 am »
I saw development 'chat' on a different thread and thought I'd better not join in and dilute it further with my ramblings but has any further consideration been given to installing the height and range filters in PAW, instead of relying on the likes of the SD filters? I won't repeat my reasoning behind this as it is already in this thread a little further back. I know these things take time and a lot of work but I'm just wondering if it is under consideration.

I don't feel so guilty now asking these questions as at least I now own a PAW unit, albeit it's in a box in England and unlikely to see me playing with it for a while :-)

Hi Paul,
If I understand correctly - you are suggesting that we pre-filter the data, before forwarding on to the NAV device ?
Its an interesting point, because we kind of do this already for the AUDIO messages.
I can actually see 2 good reasons for doing what you suggest.

1. Some NAV devices do not have Filters !!!!
a good example is SkyMap

2. Volume of data
for slooowwwww RS232 connections, such as Dynon Skyview, you need to limit the amount of data which can be sent over the RS232 - this could be useful in not scheduling the sending of traffic at 20,000ft above. I think the fastest connection to SV is 57,600 baud - so this would be a useful feature

So Basically, I think we are saying add a vertical and horizontal filter, prior to sending messages.

interested in any other comments ?

« Last Edit: June 05, 2017, 10:57:31 am by Admin »


Re: Enhancement Requests
« Reply #335 on: June 05, 2017, 11:19:27 am »
Yes, Lee, that's the gist of it.

I can't talk from any knowledge (yet) because my aircraft is still a twinkle in my mind's eye but, from what I've read here and on other forums, is that wiring up to an EFIS (an MGL unit in my case and the one I've read about) from the PAW involves transmitting the data using a USB wire. This is great in that it gets the PAW information to the EFIS BUT, apparently, the EFIS gets ALL the PAW information and there's no facility to filter that at the EFIS. It would seem this is also the case with some of the nav software, such as XC Soar. I must explain that I have never actually seen this in action but it is what I've read and I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

What I thought is the same filters as Sky Demon, for instance, could be set in the PAW instead; that way any kit without the filters would be able to enjoy the current  facilities enjoyed by those that do have the filters. It might be that some prefer to set their filters in SD and that would be fine; they'd just leave the PAW ones raw and adjust things on their iPad (or whatever). I intend to have SD on an iPad with PAW and, in addition, PAW piped to my EFIS....just because I can and I like gadgety stuff like that :-) It would be really nice to be able to exclude Speedbird 268 from my screen at FL350 because I get enough of that crap at work and don't really want to see it when I'm tootling around enjoying myself.

Again, having not seen it in action, I cannot comment intelligently on the transmission of PAW data along a serial wire but I can only imagine that reducing the amount of unnecessary/unwanted data before it travels down that tube can only speed things up.

I hope that explains my thinking but, if not, please don't hesitate to ask what the heck I'm going on about  :o


Re: Enhancement Requests
« Reply #336 on: June 20, 2017, 10:28:21 pm »
What is the reason that traffic distances and Audio Warning Zones are set in kilometres?

Is it due to our cack handed approach to decimalisation where we as pilots measure runways and visibility in kilometres but fly legs in a route and get air traffic instructions in nm?

Are there any plans to introduce a configurable option?



Re: Enhancement Requests
« Reply #337 on: June 21, 2017, 12:28:36 pm »
That would be a very welcome addition Dave....It has been mentioned before....but not sure where it is in the list of Lee's priorities...

Ian Melville

Re: Enhancement Requests
« Reply #338 on: June 21, 2017, 12:42:16 pm »
I spoke to Lee about this way back. IIRC it is not as easy as it first appears. If you do the conversion just before reporting the distances, you will end up with fraction part to the miles, so it has to be done earlier in the code. Not impossible, but I suspect not a priority for Lee.


Re: Enhancement Requests
« Reply #339 on: June 21, 2017, 02:37:59 pm »
This may have come up before but as the enhancement page is now 23 long, I haven't been through in depth....

Would it be possible for aircraft profiles to contain the 'G' identifier as well as the HEX code? I fly a lot of club aircraft and can never remember the specific HEX id when I have to select a profile - it would be really handy to have the G code or even if we could rename the profile so it makes sense to the user?



Re: Enhancement Requests
« Reply #340 on: June 21, 2017, 07:12:29 pm »
Hi Rob
You must have configured incorrectly because under the profiles tab at the bottom of the configure screen they are all displayed by the G prefix. Are you putting the aircraft registration in the Flight-ID field or something else.


Re: Enhancement Requests
« Reply #341 on: June 21, 2017, 10:10:01 pm »
Hi Brinkley,

I've just booted up PAW to check.

Every aircraft I fly, I check G-INFO online and get the HEX details. I then enter the HEX id on the configure under the field called HEX-ID (Manual). If I then click on the profiles, all the profiles are listed by Hex id.

I'm guessing from your post that I should just enter the G indentifier in the Flight-ID field? If so, thanks - I've learnt something new! I did wonder for the past year why PAW couldn't automatically resolve the HEX from the G code but just thought that's the way it was! :-)



Re: Enhancement Requests
« Reply #342 on: June 21, 2017, 10:25:55 pm »
Oh and do I need to complete  the flight id and hex id (manual) fields or will PAW work out the Hex id automatically?


Re: Enhancement Requests
« Reply #343 on: June 21, 2017, 11:17:20 pm »

You should enter both Hex ID and Aircraft Reg and save them to the profile folder, so they are available at any time.




Re: Enhancement Requests
« Reply #344 on: June 21, 2017, 11:46:49 pm »

Thanks - just a thought but should Flight id be labelled aircraft reg? It might make it clearer although maybe its just me that missed the idea of the flight id field! :-)
