Author Topic: Pilotaware classic adsb not working?  (Read 4182 times)


Re: Pilotaware classic adsb not working?
« Reply #15 on: June 24, 2021, 08:21:44 pm »
Are there any diagnostics I can run on the track files. After rebooting to collect the track files when back at home base, I could once again see Mode C, S and ADSB traffic. I didn't screenshot the home page during the flight this time, but I had all green indicators, except for an Amber on the 1090 indicator.

Yes, you need to take a track log out of the PAW, take it home and upload it to Aircrew. If you go to the main status page, then top right there is s button called "Tracks"and selecting that will allow you to see the track logs recorded on your PAW.

Find one where you remember the symptoms from the problem existing, download to your phone/tablet then when you have time, upload to Aircrew.

Should be self explanatory, I wouldn't tick the button marked "Public Flight" myself...

Grab hold of the white blob in the bottom section of the screen, and drag...

Aircraft your PAW spotted should show up as you drag along the timeline of your flight.

If you post back here Peter may be able to analyse further... or send the PAW people the track log file...


Re: Pilotaware classic adsb not working?
« Reply #16 on: June 25, 2021, 08:54:54 am »
Thanks Steve, but I know and have used the aircrew playback, but it doesn't show me anything more than I have seen in flight, i.e only the othe PAW aircraft are visible, no Mode C, S or ADSB aircraft, when I know some were around.
I'll  happily send the trk file to PAW, if they think it could help isolate or identify the problem


Re: Pilotaware classic adsb not working?
« Reply #17 on: June 25, 2021, 11:20:47 am »
Hi again Bob,

There is nothing in your settings (from your previous screenshots) which would point to a reason for a lack of received 1090 traffic - other than due to a faulty SDR or antenna/cable. Did you get a chance to check those?

Were you only ‘not seeing’ traffic on your display screen - or were you also checking the PAW traffic screen? (admittedly not easy or recommended if in solo flight)

Remind me what traffic /Nav display do you use? (I ask in case settings there might be relevant - the on screen display of ADSB traffic on SkyDemon for example is controlled by the settings in ‘Navigation’).

If you have the track file(s) from your recent flight(s), you could forward them (via and we can ask Lee to take a look at them - but from what I see and what you’ve said, I’m guessing they will simply confirm your reports that no 1090 traffic was received, though they might help point to or confirm the reason why. In the absence of anything to the contrary, my money is still on a faulty SDR or antenna - especially with an older Classic.

Best Regards



Re: Pilotaware classic adsb not working?
« Reply #18 on: June 25, 2021, 07:55:36 pm »
Hi Peter,

Bob said, "I didn't screenshot the home page during the flight this time, but I had all green indicators, except for an Amber on the 1090 indicator."

Doesn't the amber indicate it's seen some ADSB traffic but not for a while? If it was red then it definitely sounds like a knackered dongle but, because it's amber, it sounds to me like the dongle might be working. In which case, it could possibly point to the settings of the nav software.

Possibly........ ;D


Re: Pilotaware classic adsb not working?
« Reply #19 on: June 25, 2021, 10:50:24 pm »
Hi Paul,

Yes, I realised Bob hadn’t taken screenshots, but just wondered if he had looked at the Traffic screen as well as seeing the greens and the amber 1090 on the Home Screen during his last flight. That would help identify whether the issue is definitely with PilotAware as opposed to the Nav software/display settings - i.e. 1090 Traffic on Traffic Screen = A Working PAW. No traffic on Screen might just mean ‘No Traffic’ - though I think that unlikely.

You are correct, Amber indicates that the 1090 software is ‘running’, but has received no traffic over the last period of something like 15 seconds (or perhaps it is 5 - I forget the exact figure). That would certainly imply that the SDR wasn’t completely ‘dead’ or the indicator would show red, but the SDR might still be faulty - which would also account for the brief traffic reports referred to by Bob earlier and the fact that it seems to work for a short while after a reboot - or the problem could be with the antenna or cable.

It is of course possible that the problem could lie elsewhere, such as with the motherboard, software or with the Nav System - though other than extremely tight ‘show within vertically’ limits (which I’d like to think Bob would have checked for by now), I can’t think of what Nav Settings would prevent display of ANY 1090 Traffic. In any event, without access to all the facts as yet, it makes sense to eliminate the most likely issues first (in the absence of any evidence to the contrary it’s relatively quick and easy to try another SDR/antenna especially as these are known issues with some older PAW Classics).

Thanks for the prompts though, help is always appreciated  :)

Hopefully Bob will clarify the position shortly and we can move forward.

Best Regards as Always


« Last Edit: June 25, 2021, 10:55:42 pm by exfirepro »


Re: Pilotaware classic adsb not working?
« Reply #20 on: June 26, 2021, 07:33:46 am »
Hi Guys, and thanks for the help. Peter, I'll take your advice and send my last track file to Support to see if further analysis will throw up anything. I did check the traffic page whilst in flight, which only showed PAW traffic. I had also opened up the parameters  on the Nav display, so I should theoretically have seen everything detected. I use Skydemon for my navigation display,  and know I am getting PAW gps from the "traffic ok" message on my Dynon Skyview display.
After my original post, I went to the airfield armed with my spare Rosetta (I bought it for an RV I am building when the EC offer was running), but tried my classic on the ground before disassembling my panel, and lo & behold, all traffic showed up. So I assumed a temporary  glitch, took the lazy way out, and left everything as is. It was only on this latest flight that the problem  reoccurred. The puzzling thing is why after a reboot when back on the ground, traffic reappeared.
I hate intermittent  problems, they are so hard to track down, if only things operated in a work/fail way, life would be much easier.  ::)

TIA for the help


Re: Pilotaware classic adsb not working?
« Reply #21 on: June 26, 2021, 08:45:39 am »
Hi Bob,

Thanks for clarifying the position. I’m with you on intermittent faults - they can be very challenging, especially when trying to diagnose the fault remotely  8). In this case, however, my money is definitely on the SDR  - most likely overheating after a few minutes and giving up (consistent with your reports and I have seen a few do this in Classics as they get older). Although it involves a bit of work, you could swap in the one from your Rosetta which should prove the point. Don’t worry about the fact that the Rosetta SDR isn’t ‘cased’ as long as nothing metal is likely to touch it.

Let us know how you get on.

Best Regards


Re: Pilotaware classic adsb not working?
« Reply #22 on: July 03, 2021, 02:26:50 pm »
Well Peter called this one correctly  :)

Keith Vinning sent me another Dongle (FOC - thanks Keith).

I visited the airfield to try this yesterday. For once, the problem revealed itself as I hoped it would, in that when initially turned on my PAW showed all traffic, but after about 5 minutes, everything but PAW traffic disappeared. I think this fits in with the suggestion that a part is failing after warming up.

Anyway, I replaced the dongle with the one that Keith kindly sent to me, rebooted, and again all traffic became visible (CSAP). The good news is that it stayed visible through about 20 minutes running on the ground. As getting at my PAW involved removing the main panel (and I am always fearful of disturbing something else when I do this), I carried out a 20 minute test flight to ensure my panel was performing as expected, and again the unit worked well.

So I am fairly convinced that the Pilotaware Support team identified and resolved the problem.

Great job guys, thanks very much.
