Author Topic: WARNING - No ADSB Pos (Trig 21)  (Read 2194 times)


WARNING - No ADSB Pos (Trig 21)
« on: March 26, 2021, 04:18:41 pm »

I have a PilotAware and Trig connected together and has been installed for a couple of years without issue. I’ve noticed today on some -re flight maintenance that the titled message above appears.  Looking at the forums and the configuration of my pilot aware which I’ve just installed the latest firmware for I think I may have discovered the issue.

On a previous forum it states that the Trig 21 should be set to NMEA-0831, mine is NMRA-0183. Which is the correct setting please? I currently use USB port 4, but looking again mine is set to 4800 not the 9600 I think it should be.

Hopefully a very quick configuration issue from a flexwing pilot desperate to fly on Monday


Re: WARNING - No ADSB Pos (Trig 21)
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2021, 07:20:05 pm »
I know the guys in 'the know' will be able to answer your specific question but was the GPS green on your PAW home page? The only reason I ask is that I recently took my kite for a spin and had to wait quite some time before the requisite satellites could do their thing with almanacs etc. Pretty obviously, if your GPS is still trying to grab satellite info from space and find out where it is then it's not going to send the required position info to your TT21 and that will result in it having no ADSB position.

I would humbly suggest that if it worked before and you haven't changed anything then it is just a matter of leaving it for longer, in a place where your PAW's GPS antenna can see satellites, until your GPS 'blob' goes green and it can send the data to your Trig.

As I understand it, the baud rate is not as important as both the PAW and TT21 having the same figure set in their configurations. If your TT21 and PAW are both set to 4800 then I believe the magic should work. I am, however, perfectly willing to be educated in the error of my understanding.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2021, 07:23:16 pm by PaulSS »

Ian Melville

Re: WARNING - No ADSB Pos (Trig 21)
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2021, 08:59:53 pm »
The baud rate, parity and stop bits should be the same both ends.
4800 baud is slow, but I would have thought sufficient. The manual states "NMEA GPS units generally
run at 4800 bps". No harm in trying 9600 both ends, but I don't think that is your issue.

Can you confirm that your PAW got a full GPS lock?

As you have just updated the PAW, I would check all the setting are correct. Some may have changed with the update.


Re: WARNING - No ADSB Pos (Trig 21)
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2021, 10:44:51 pm »
Hi Gramac,

Very unlikely that the update will have introduced any settings changes.

Three things to check.

1. As per both the above posts, the first thing to check is that your PilotAware has a GPS fix - without this it won’t send data to the transponder.

2. That you (still*) have the correct USB Port in your PilotAware configured to ‘Transponder Trig’ and that it is set to 4,800 or preferably 9,600 Baud. Note, with the PAW Classic, this is usually Port 1, but with Rosetta this is usually Port 2 as Port 1 is used for the GPS.

* The update wouldn’t change this, but if you had the unit away from the plane did you put everything back in the same Ports?

3. That you have GPS Input in the transponder set to NMEA-0183 and GPS Line Speed set to the same value as your PilotAware (preferably 9,600 baud).

More info in a recent thread here....,1997.msg21333.html#msg21333

especially the bit from item 3 on in that post.

Let us know how you get on.

Best Regards

(p.s. don’t know where you are but Wx looks very windy for the first few days of next week  :()
« Last Edit: March 27, 2021, 09:32:58 am by exfirepro »


Re: WARNING - No ADSB Pos (Trig 21)
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2021, 11:04:08 am »
Settings should be
NMEA 0183

With matching baud rates both ends
You will need a gps fix, the homepage will report this info
Ensure the correct port number is configured



Re: WARNING - No ADSB Pos (Trig 21)
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2021, 04:13:39 pm »
Thanks for all your help. I am going to the airstrip again tomorrow so will have another close look.  I am conscious that the baud rates are not aligned so will do this first. One is 4,800 and the other is 9,600.

I will post an update when I have one.

Thank you



Re: WARNING - No ADSB Pos (Trig 21)
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2021, 06:21:59 pm »
Hi Gramac,

That would be enough to stop it!




Re: WARNING - No ADSB Pos (Trig 21)
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2021, 05:07:31 pm »
Yes it was the baud rate. I’ve amended it to match the Trig at 9,600 and it works perfectly.  As always a professional speedy response to technical issues which enhances the legitimacy of the PilotAware.

Many thanks,



Re: WARNING - No ADSB Pos (Trig 21)
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2021, 05:56:47 pm »
Hi Gramac,

Thanks for the feedback. Glad you have got it running again.

Best Regards