British Forum > OGN-R PilotAware

Malware blocked airport data

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--- Quote from: peter.seddon on February 07, 2021, 10:20:47 pm ---comes up with some silly email addresses and a mailing address in Toronto. It does seem sus as there is a similar website called i.e. no hyphen.

--- End quote ---

But the issue is where the link comes from, who serves up that web page, is 360Radar, PilotAware or someone else?

Whoever has coded that page has put a website with a hyphen in it alongside and

This is either intentional (whoever code that web page intended for the URL with the hyphen to be there) or the site code has been hacked.

I'm going to suggest that if it really is the correct site, does whoever serves up the web page want to remove the hyphened link until the malware issues are resolved?

I'm an admin on a free flying forum and we had problems with someone trying to screen scrape the whole web site, short term resolved with an IP block. There could be one site cloning another, but this can only be resolved by web masters...


The link to will be down to VRS -

PilotAware simply incorporate the VRS application into the ATOM firmware so that station owners / maintainers (as ‘non-commercial’ users) can use it to visualise and display traffic. As ‘users’ of their system, we are subject to VRS’s rules and have very little influence or control over how VRS is configured and operates or its external links.

If Peter and yourself want to pass on your findings, there are contact details at the bottom of the VRS Home Page. I’m sure they would be interested to hear from you - especially if this exposes a threat (or potential threat) to their system.

Please keep us informed.

Best Regards

Peter R

I've just sent an email to Andrew at Virtual Radar server so we'll se what he says.

Got a reply from Andrew and he is looking into this issue.

It's back!


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