Author Topic: Combo PAW, Skydemon & Dynon Skyview installation  (Read 5032 times)


Combo PAW, Skydemon & Dynon Skyview installation
« on: November 20, 2019, 10:09:35 am »
Today I use both Skydemon and Skyview jointly without any trafic info.

My perfect set-up would be to include PAW to this, however there are some issues as far as I can read but would love feed-back if my proposal will work before investing.
 * Connect FAW & Skyview by wire (USB/RS232) for trafic info in Skyview
 * Connect FAW & Skydemon by wifi for UAT (weather) info in Skydemon

I have found info in this forum that both these connections will work individually, but no info have been found that they can be combined (and working) at the same time jointly.


Re: Combo PAW, Skydemon & Dynon Skyview installation
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2019, 10:44:57 am »
You can use both Wifi and the RS232 connections at the same time.

Note that UAT is on hold in the UK at the moment I believe, it was a a trial conducted by Sky Echo and Sky Demon, but I think this has ended now.

Suggest connecting with the "PilotAware" connection method and getting bearingless targets rather than using GDL90 and getting (or not getting) weather.


Re: Combo PAW, Skydemon & Dynon Skyview installation
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2019, 12:21:48 pm »
You can use both Wifi and the RS232 connections at the same time.

Note that UAT is on hold in the UK at the moment I believe, it was a a trial conducted by Sky Echo and Sky Demon, but I think this has ended now.

Suggest connecting with the "PilotAware" connection method and getting bearingless targets rather than using GDL90 and getting (or not getting) weather.

Thanks for the tech respons.
I have been through Uavionix (Sky Echo) news feed and can't see that they should have stop the test in UK. Anyway, a UAT station has been established in Denmark (EKBI) by April (2019) and they (AOPA) hope/plan for more i DK.


Re: Combo PAW, Skydemon & Dynon Skyview installation
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2019, 08:26:10 am »
This was posted on the Flyer GA forum by Uavionix (Ramsey) on 30 July 2019:

"Hi all, the UAT FIS-B trials are currently suspended. That is not to say they will be suspended forever. The transmitter assets remain in place. There are two drivers behind this decision.

1. uAvionix conducted a survey a few months back through direct email, social media, posts on this forum, and through skyDemon's newsletter. The results of that survey clearly indicated there would be little interest from the GA community to pay for such a service. There was a great deal of interest from the community in having the service provided to them at no cost.

2. In order for a service to become a commercial offering, the 978MHz frequency must be allocated for this purpose in the UK. Our understanding is that CAA and OFCOM are currently in negotiations for this very thing. We are being supportive where we can, but the details of that negotiation are unknown to us and we haven't any understanding of what that timeline might be. We are hopeful.

We did not produce a formal announcement in effect as an experiment in itself. We wanted to understand if the removal of the service would be noticed and give an indication of how much it was being used. Sadly, it took multiple months before the first inquiry came to us.

Hopefully it can be recognized that this was not an inexpensive endeavor. If we can generate demand, perhaps there will be a future business model of some sort."



Re: Combo PAW, Skydemon & Dynon Skyview installation
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2019, 02:07:50 pm »
Today I use both Skydemon and Skyview jointly without any trafic info.

My perfect set-up would be to include PAW to this, however there are some issues as far as I can read but would love feed-back if my proposal will work before investing.
 * Connect FAW & Skyview by wire (USB/RS232) for trafic info in Skyview
 * Connect FAW & Skydemon by wifi for UAT (weather) info in Skydemon

I have found info in this forum that both these connections will work individually, but no info have been found that they can be combined (and working) at the same time jointly.

I went one further and have
 * Wired Skyview to PAW to feed GPS data to PAW (higher quality data than PAW GPS and saves an additional GPS dongle)
 * Wired PAW to Skyview to feed traffic to Skyview
 * Wifi PAW to Skydemon on ipad feeding traffic.
 The whole installation is permanent with external aerials.
All works fine.


Re: Combo PAW, Skydemon & Dynon Skyview installation
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2019, 10:03:22 am »
Hi Russ,
I have a similar setup to you, but still use the PAW dongle. How did you connect the Skyview GPS to PAW?


Re: Combo PAW, Skydemon & Dynon Skyview installation
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2019, 04:07:11 pm »
Hi Russ,
I have a similar setup to you, but still use the PAW dongle. How did you connect the Skyview GPS to PAW?

Bob - you have to wire in a second serial connection into the Skyview in the exact same way you wire in the traffic feed connection - then it's simply a case of setting the PA to see that USB port as the GPS feed and set the Dynon to send the GPS on that connection. It'd be hugely easier if the PA did two way communication as we'd only need the one usb to serial connector. When I put mine in it was on the PA development wish list but not yet done.


Re: Combo PAW, Skydemon & Dynon Skyview installation
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2019, 11:09:29 am »
It'd be hugely easier if the PA did two way communication as we'd only need the one usb to serial connector. When I put mine in it was on the PA development wish list but not yet done.

+1 from me for this.

My PAW is behind the control panel, so I have my GPS USB port hard wired to the front of the panel to facilitate updates. My GPS dongle is attached to PAW by this. I therefore can't use this solution as I don't want to give up this  port just yet, at least until the Wi-Fi updates become available.

Lee, any chance of bumping this request up the development schedule?


Re: Combo PAW, Skydemon & Dynon Skyview installation
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2022, 09:53:05 am »
I have Skyview HDX, GPS2020, SV-XPNDR. Looking to hard install a PAW. See back in 2019 you guys did this but with a couple future potential ‘wish list’ items.  Did these transpire or should I still do same as your posts discuss? 


Re: Combo PAW, Skydemon & Dynon Skyview installation
« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2022, 08:55:25 am »
As far as I know, apart from Wi-Fi updates, the other wish list items are still outstanding (I.e. PAW still only communicates one way on the USB  connections). If you decide to go ahead, you could use one USB for traffic in to Skyviiew, and the other for GPS feed from Skyview to PAW. I upgraded from the Classic to Rosetta earlier this year, and following the new way of updating PAW, I could have chosen to use the second USB for the Skyview GPS feed, but chose to remain with separate Skyview and PAW GPS feeds for redundancy.

Happy to be corrected if I have any misconceptions  here.

Lee, any chance of two way comms on the PAW USB happening ?  ( Sorry I missed you at the LAA Fly-In this weekend,  I only went on Friday, but had a chat to Ashley)


Re: Combo PAW, Skydemon & Dynon Skyview installation
« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2022, 10:04:26 am »
I could have chosen to use the second USB for the Skyview GPS feed, but chose to remain with separate Skyview and PAW GPS feeds for redundancy.

I think this idea has merit and is certainly part of my thinking for a panel re-design.


Re: Combo PAW, Skydemon & Dynon Skyview installation
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2022, 10:35:56 am »
Skyview has a very powerful logging function and this can be used to spreadsheet all aspects of aircraft data, in this case the GPS performance...