Author Topic: SOLVED: PAW SkyDemon Connection Problem Coinciding with PAW 201906 update  (Read 3461 times)


I am using the Rosetta since May 2019. Everything was working fine until the day of the (otherwise uneventful and successful) PAW 201906 software upgrade. Now I have often have persistent problems connecting PAW to SD. I am using SD in parallel on two ipads. I have the problems with both ipads. Sometimes with both iPads at the same time, but mostly on the newer iPad only, while it connects OK to the elder iPad.
The problem seems to coincide with the upgrade to the new PAW 201906 version, and/or the latest SD version.

Even, if things are working, I noticed the following changes:
- When Go Flying and Use PAW, the connection is not as instantaneous as it used to be.
- If SD can see the PAW connection, it states a green bar with  “Connecting to Devise”, then “GPS Signal Lost – 7 Found” (or similar number, like “8 Found”), then connects after a another second or two.
Now, if SD cannot see the connection, it states a green bar with “Connecting to Device”, then after 5 to 10 sec it comes with another white window, stating “No data has been received from your GPS devise for some time …”, and reverts to planning mode.
All the while the same iPad can (without exception) access PAW via browser at, and gets all good, four green indicators on all that matters.
What I found interesting is that in this browser window, under “Clients” tab – if the SD cannot see PAW – the Hostname of that iPad is not “Tims ipad” (or similar) but stated as “GDL90”. When by hook or by crook I eventually get it to connect, only then the Hostname changes to "Tims iPad".

Does anybody else has the same problem?
« Last Edit: July 23, 2019, 09:45:01 am by Admin »


Re: PAW SkyDemon Connection Problem Coinciding with PAW 201906 update
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2019, 06:33:33 pm »
The issue is that we support two types of messages GDL90 and PilotAware, and if we send both messages this seems to mess up Android. There is a simple solution - if you are connecting using PilotAware (from SD)
go to the PAW Configure page and set

Device Connect Setting -> PilotAware(UDP)
and Save

This stops the Auto Connect toggling

Let us know if this works for you



Re: PAW SkyDemon Connection Problem Coinciding with PAW 201906 update
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2019, 08:14:06 pm »
 :D Hi Lee, this seems to fix my problem. The messages not only seem to be confusing Android but also iOS, which is what I am using.

This "Device Connector Setting" on the config page seems to be new with 20190621, that's maybe how I missed it when copying over the config settings after the software upgrade.

Connect to SD now works as instantaneous as it used to. I will obviously have to test further but at the office it works fine!


Re: PAW SkyDemon Connection Problem Coinciding with PAW 201906 update
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2019, 09:44:40 am »
:D Hi Lee, this seems to fix my problem. The messages not only seem to be confusing Android but also iOS, which is what I am using.
The Android issue is that it is instigating some kind of Firewall against a Denial of Service, not the same
The problem you are seeing on iOS I think is just a timeout,

This "Device Connector Setting" on the config page seems to be new with 20190621, that's maybe how I missed it when copying over the config settings after the software upgrade.
Yes it is new, SPCIFICALLY added in case of issues such as yours, to force the connection mode

Connect to SD now works as instantaneous as it used to. I will obviously have to test further but at the office it works fine!
Thanks for following up, I will mark this as solved