Author Topic: Bose A20 pairing with Rosetta  (Read 8723 times)


Re: Bose A20 pairing with Rosetta
« Reply #15 on: July 07, 2019, 10:46:05 am »
Hi There, yes it is a Rosetta Model, when I hit scan it says scanning for the 30 secs or so, then it turns red and says scanning, and after about 30 secs it just comes back to screen as before where you can hit scan again.



Re: Bose A20 pairing with Rosetta
« Reply #16 on: July 07, 2019, 11:04:34 am »
Hi Derek,

Do you have any other BT devices you can put into pairing mode to see if it detects anything ?


Re: Bose A20 pairing with Rosetta
« Reply #17 on: July 07, 2019, 11:36:04 am »
I am having the same trouble, the scan does not list any Bluetooth devices on the configuration page despite switching on loads of various devices.


Re: Bose A20 pairing with Rosetta
« Reply #18 on: July 07, 2019, 01:13:16 pm »
I am having the same trouble, the scan does not list any Bluetooth devices on the configuration page despite switching on loads of various devices.

Strange, although I think there will be bugs (as it is new software), I thought most would be in connecting and not scanning


Re: Bose A20 pairing with Rosetta
« Reply #19 on: July 07, 2019, 01:47:56 pm »
I am away for a couple of weeks now, so not able to test any further until then, I will still have some internet connection to check on here, but if someone else is having issues too, it may be a small glitch :) Will be in contact upon return




Re: Bose A20 pairing with Rosetta
« Reply #20 on: July 07, 2019, 05:50:34 pm »
Sounds odd ..

Does the same happen on the second scan (ie, re-run the BT scan)..?

There were some hiccups with the early tests (a long while ago) but they were all ironed out … It's pretty much faultless for me at the moment ...
Pilotaware user ...


Re: Bose A20 pairing with Rosetta
« Reply #21 on: July 07, 2019, 06:08:56 pm »
Hi All,

I seem to remember having an issue the first time I tried to connect to BT - a year or so ago, but can’t remember the details. I know I did manage to get it working and haven’t had any issues since.

I am on holiday at the moment but have a Rosetta and a Bluetooth speaker with me (sad or what) so will give it a run after Dinner and see if I can remember what the issue was.




Re: Bose A20 pairing with Rosetta
« Reply #22 on: July 07, 2019, 06:19:26 pm »
thanks :)


Re: Bose A20 pairing with Rosetta
« Reply #23 on: July 08, 2019, 09:44:27 am »

OK I managed a test session last night as promised (late - after the Grandkids had gone to bed, so my brain wasn’t at its sharpest).

I managed to find the bit in my notes re first Bluetooth Tests, which was from last November - so not a year ago, though it certainly feels like it! The problem I had then wasn’t getting the Rosetta to find the BT device - it managed that OK - it was getting Rosetta to connect to the device after finding it.

From Test Notes Mid November 2018

Currently displaying traffic on SD via GDL90, with audio via a small BT speaker, though there was a slight ‘glitch’ getting the speaker to connect first time - possibly due to the speaker rather than PilotAware.

I told the speaker to ‘forget it’s previous connection’, then ran the BT ‘Scan’ on Rosetta Config and the speaker appeared on the Scan list almost right away - with its name: Mifa_A1.

When I then pressed ‘Connect’ (after waiting ‘til the Scan had finished) PAW went through its normal ‘Busy’ stage but no connection appeared - verified by no audio when I tried the ‘Test’ button, so I went back to the BT screen and pressed the correct ‘Connect’ button again. This time after the ‘Busy’ stage the button went Green and changed to ‘Connected’ - nice touch! - and all is now well.

This was just an initial glitch with that one particular speaker and I had no further problems during testing with that and a variety of other speakers and (domestic Hi-Fi type) headsets (My aviation headsets don’t do BT).

Unfortunately on last night’s session with a completely fresh install of 20190621 on a standard ‘Rosetta’, I failed to get the same Mifa_A1 speaker to appear on the Rosetta ‘Scan List’ at all - probably because the speaker kept automatically connecting to my phone each time I switched it on and my attempts to get it to forget the phone pairing and go back into ‘pairing mode’ didn’t work. I don’t have the speaker manual with me and it isn’t available on the Mifa website  :-\  >:( , so this morning I Googled ‘Pairing Mifa A1’ and found I was pressing the wrong keys to get it to forget its previous pairing.

All well and good, reset the speaker and re-ran the Scan - speaker appeared in the scan list after a few minutes. After waiting for the Scan to finish, I pressed the relevant ‘Connect’ button and after a short while the speaker now shows as ‘connected’ (No ‘Green Button’ though Lee, so I guess you have changed something since the version I ran this on last - I didn’t get a chance to test BT in the run-up to this release, but more importantly I’m getting no audio when I press the Audio ‘Test’ button in ’Config’ and there are no aircraft about to trigger any alerts. I need to do some further testing to see what is going on, but the Grandkids are now up and we are supposed to be going over to Mull today. I will get back to you.




Re: Bose A20 pairing with Rosetta
« Reply #24 on: July 15, 2019, 02:34:31 pm »
I have experienced similar problems every time I have tried to pair the Rosetta with our PAR200A BT equipped audio panel in the aircraft.

It takes about three 'scans' before the PAR200A appears in the list. Once it does, however, connection is acheived first time.

Anothe 'issue' is that the BT volume level is not adjustable, despite selecting, say, 4 and saving the setting, the BT audio is always very loud!


Re: Bose A20 pairing with Rosetta
« Reply #25 on: July 15, 2019, 03:20:01 pm »
I have experienced similar problems every time I have tried to pair the Rosetta with our PAR200A BT equipped audio panel in the aircraft.
It takes about three 'scans' before the PAR200A appears in the list. Once it does, however, connection is acheived first time.
Anothe 'issue' is that the BT volume level is not adjustable, despite selecting, say, 4 and saving the setting, the BT audio is always very loud!

Actually, I think the Volume only controls the wired connection
Its strange it takes 3 attempts - is that always the case ?



Re: Bose A20 pairing with Rosetta
« Reply #26 on: July 16, 2019, 07:39:16 am »
Hi Lee

Of the 3 times that I have flown with the new software, it has certainly never seen the PAR200A first time. Next time I will wait a little longer after the comms panel has been switched on before attempting a scan in case the BT part of the panel takes a lot longer than the audio part does to start up.

I usually tend to attempt to pair the PAW to the PAR after pre-taxi checks have been completed.  It would be nice if the PAW could have a BT device  selectable to pair to as default so this doesn't have to be done each time in my case .