Author Topic: Installing 20190621 - SDFormat and Software upgrade  (Read 83387 times)


Re: SD Software upgrade
« Reply #30 on: June 25, 2019, 12:28:30 pm »

Thanks for the confirmation. With SDFormatter 4 it was extremely straightforward once you got to grips with the need to do a ‘Full (Overwrite) Format with Size Adjustment ‘On’, but things seem to have got more complicated with SDFormatter Version 5 and bigger cards. The formatting now seems to depend to a degree on the version of SDFormatter, the size of the card and any alternative formatting that may previously have been applied to the card (e.g. if used in another device).

Once you have done this manual update, you will be able to do future updates by Ethernet (if your PAW is removable - or you have a long cable and a handy router in the hangar) or for smaller updates, by ‘.pgp’ using a suitably formatted (FAT32) USB stick (which wasn’t an option this time due to the need to update both PilotAware and the underlying Raspberry Pi Operating System.

Best Regards to All



Re: SD Software upgrade
« Reply #31 on: June 25, 2019, 02:48:49 pm »
If I dont use the old memory card, Why formatting the card, and why with that particular tool?
I purchased a brand new microSD and simply copied all the files into that; it seems to work properly.


Re: SD Software upgrade
« Reply #32 on: June 25, 2019, 03:23:41 pm »
If I dont use the old memory card, Why formatting the card, and why with that particular tool?
I purchased a brand new microSD and simply copied all the files into that; it seems to work properly.

Hi Mariko
This is fine IF the SD card is already formatted in the correct filesystem type - not always the case



Re: SD Software upgrade
« Reply #33 on: June 28, 2019, 05:10:42 pm »
First time I have updated the software for my Rosetta. Had a careful read of the foregoing messages,
and other documentation.

Bought an 8GB micro SD card class 4. Downloaded the SD formatter and formatted using overwrite and the CHS option all on my Windows 10 laptop.  Downloaded the zip file and unzipped it. Copied the files to the micro SD card. Put it in the Rosetta and powered up. Seemed to take only 5 mins to display the WiFi link and copied the Config data from a screenshot of my old Config. It was a breeze. Well done Lee et al.



Re: SD Software upgrade
« Reply #34 on: June 29, 2019, 08:04:44 am »
Well done Phil,

...and thanks for posting on here. That will help to reassure others that the process works and is achievable, with a modicum of care.

I well remember being a bit apprehensive the very first time I tried full manual update (now almost 4 years ago - which is scary in itself !). I must have now done well over a hundred. After the first time it’s usually a breeze, so for those feeling apprehensive, there’s nothing to be frightened of as long as you take note of your licence key and configuration settings first and carefully follow the procedure.

Any problems just come on here and we’ll help keep you on track.

Best Regards



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Re: SD Software upgrade
« Reply #35 on: June 29, 2019, 08:27:59 am »
Phil and the Team.
Latest Software fully installed and working on RPi3.
Used SD Card Formatter on iMac and then copied in contents. Initial set up BOOT about 10 minutes.
Thanks Team!
White Ox Mead Airstrip
Bath. England


Re: Installing 20190621 - SDFormat and Software upgrade
« Reply #36 on: July 07, 2019, 12:53:41 pm »
I already have a Rosetta. I decided to upgrade to the new software and followed all the instructions. I used the 8gb SD card that was already with the Rosetta. With the HDMI cable plugged in I got message on screen saying writing boot files to memory I went too be, got up in the morning and the same message on screen. I tried again, leaving it for an hour with the same result. I tried a 16gb card and this worked. It looks to me like the new software is close to filling a 8gb disk that unless the formatting tool gives you the full 8gb you will have problems. When I formatted the disk I got about 7.65 gb.

So in short, if you are struggling to get the new software to install try a 16gb card.


Re: Installing 20190621 - SDFormat and Software upgrade
« Reply #37 on: July 07, 2019, 01:09:59 pm »
I already have a Rosetta. I decided to upgrade to the new software and followed all the instructions. I used the 8gb SD card that was already with the Rosetta. With the HDMI cable plugged in I got message on screen saying writing boot files to memory I went too be, got up in the morning and the same message on screen. I tried again, leaving it for an hour with the same result. I tried a 16gb card and this worked. It looks to me like the new software is close to filling a 8gb disk that unless the formatting tool gives you the full 8gb you will have problems. When I formatted the disk I got about 7.65 gb.

So in short, if you are struggling to get the new software to install try a 16gb card.

Hi ioncoder
This is not the issue, the 8GB card has about 3X the required capacity.
What has happened here is that your 16GB card was already correctly formatted, and so worked correctly
I would be pretty confident you were unsuccessful in formatting the 8GB card correctly, all the issues we have seen thus far have been a failure to correctly re-format the SD card.



Re: Installing 20190621 - SDFormat and Software upgrade
« Reply #38 on: July 08, 2019, 08:38:07 pm »
Trying to install new pre-loaded Micro SD card V20190621.

And guess what? 90 blinking minutes later nothing has happened. I'm not surprised as I've had a lifetime of things going wrong.
Rosetta with good supply of lecky. Took screen shot of data and turned it off.
Carefully laid old one out in same orientation and fitted new one the same.
Turned back on - saw flashing lights - went for me tea.

With the cover off I see the red LED steady and the green one flashing. Is this right.

What's my next move?


Re: Installing 20190621 - SDFormat and Software upgrade
« Reply #39 on: July 08, 2019, 09:37:55 pm »
Hi CloudHound
Nil Desperandum

First question, would you be able to connect a TV/Monitor via the HDMI socket
This should tell us the exact problem

Cliff Poulter

Re: Installing 20190621 - SDFormat and Software upgrade
« Reply #40 on: July 09, 2019, 04:39:06 pm »
I have recently completed the upgrade to my Rosetta unit. I decided to re-use my existing SD card, so copied the old software contents onto a hard disk back up as a precaution. Then carefully followed the procedure set out on Then inserted the SD card into Rosetta and waited. Even having left it for several hours, Pilot Aware did not show on my list of wifi points.
Then removed the SD card completely re-formatted it again (per the instructions) copied the new software onto it again. Also took the precaution of cleaning the contacts on the SD card. Installed the SD card into Rosetta and powered up. It then started, the wifi network became visible and everything is working well. Took it flying this morning without any problems.


Re: Installing 20190621 - SDFormat and Software upgrade
« Reply #41 on: July 11, 2019, 09:13:48 pm »
First question, would you be able to connect a TV/Monitor via the HDMI socket
This should tell us the exact problem
Sorry don't have an HDMI lead.

I do have a Micro SD slot in my HP Envy laptop - any use?


Re: Installing 20190621 - SDFormat and Software upgrade
« Reply #42 on: July 11, 2019, 09:30:24 pm »
First question, would you be able to connect a TV/Monitor via the HDMI socket
This should tell us the exact problem
Sorry don't have an HDMI lead.

I do have a Micro SD slot in my HP Envy laptop - any use?

A few people have reported having to format the sd card twice
No idea why that would be required but worth a try ?


Re: Installing 20190621 - SDFormat and Software upgrade
« Reply #43 on: July 12, 2019, 11:47:17 pm »
I've been trying with limited success to upgrade my PAW to the latest software version.

Looking through my SD card collection I only have a spare 16Gb micro SDHC card,  but others seem to have got it to work so thought I would try the same.

Formatted the card with 'full overwrite' using SD formatter 5.0.1 on my MAC.  Checked the format, FAT32, so copied the files to the card and took it to the airfield to load in the plane.   Managed to miss the SD card slot in my PAW classic so had to remove the PAW from the plane to dismantle it and retrieve the SD card.

Powered it up, waited about 20 minutes, nothing happening, no Wifi hotspot.

Put the old card back in, works perfectly.

Brought the PAW home so I could plug it into the TV and see what's happening.

With the old software version, I get the software load details all scroll up on the TV until it gets to the login prompt and then the Wifi hotspot is active.  All good.

New software card, absolutely nothing happens, blank screen.

Reformat the card directly using MAC utilities as at least one help article says this will work (following instructions format it as FAT, but when I check the drive details it says FAT32).   Same thing, absolutely nothing on the HDMI.

Reformat the card using SD Formatter v5 again as advice that this might work a second time (full overwrite each time).  Card says its FAT32.  Download software from lode.pilotaware again, expand the ZIP, copy it all to the SD card,  unmount it,  put it in the PAW,  same thing.  Blank TV screen and only a single red light on the PAW, no activity lights at all.

Install SD card back in Mac and check its contents,  and then I notice that the os and overlays folders are both empty,  but in the ZIP file they have files in them.   Strange,

Manually copy the contents of the os folder back over to the SD card,  check the SD card has the files in it, it does.  Unmount the SD card,  remount it,  check the os folder and its empty.

Tried several times, deleting and recreating the folders, and each time same thing happens,  the os and overlays folders are OK on the SD card,  but all the subfolders disappear when I remove the SD card from the card reader (dismounting it properly to ensure all data written to the card).

Found another 16Gb micro SD card,  copied the files and directories to it,  this time when I unmount and remount the card the os folder retains the Raspbian sub-folder and the overlays folder retains all its subfiles,  but the Raspbian sub-folder of os empties itself each time.  Since this has the root.tar.gz in it, again sounds fatal.

So either these are both corrupt SD cards (unlikely?),  or SD card and sub folders just don't play well on a Mac.   I suspect these folders being empty is pretty much going to kill it booting up.

Any ideas?   

Going out and buying another 8Gb card is an option,  but I'm thinking I might just jack it in and buy a Rosetta upgrade given all the other problems I have had with reduced range on my PAW classic.  Despite changing the antennae, the bridge board,  putting a new power supply in, changing to a new antenna extension lead and trying with and without an antenna extension lead, I still only can see PAW traffic up to a few miles away.
Would rather not as when it was working the classic was absolutely perfect, but maybe this latest issue is the final message to splash the cash.

Classic upgrade kits appear to be out of stock though.

Thanks in advance



Re: Installing 20190621 - SDFormat and Software upgrade
« Reply #44 on: July 13, 2019, 12:51:25 am »
Do you not have a Windows PC you can try to format the card with?

Another option is to buy a pre-written SD card. Or get someone who lives near you to try it. Where do you live?