Author Topic: Skydemon Pilotaware Location Problems  (Read 2543 times)


Skydemon Pilotaware Location Problems
« on: March 13, 2019, 09:06:32 pm »
I'm pretty sure I've set everything up OK, but when I log into Skydemon, create my route and click on go flying, I select use pilotaware but then it shows my location at Popham even though I am based about 150 miles from Popham, any ideas what I am doing wrong ?


Re: Skydemon Pilotaware Location Problems
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2019, 09:10:23 am »
Hi T,

Sounds like SkyDemon isn’t getting any position data, so is reverting to its last ‘Known Position’.

When you say...

...when I log into Skydemon, create my route and click on go flying, I select use pilotaware but then it shows my location at Popham even though I am based about 150 miles from Popham, any ideas what I am doing wrong ?

Obvious question - I take it you did connect your tablet to your PilotAware WiFi hotspot in the tablet’s WiFi Settings Page before selecting ‘Go Flying - Use PilotAware’ ?

What type of tablet are you using?




Re: Skydemon Pilotaware Location Problems
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2019, 10:49:23 am »
Can you post a screenshot of your PilotAware Homepage ?
This will tell us if you have a GPS lock, and what version you are running



Re: Skydemon Pilotaware Location Problems
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2019, 09:27:09 pm »
Yes I did connect it to the wifi hotspot and chose pilotaware before going flying. I'm using an ipad mini 4.

I'll try it again at the weekend inside the aircraft and see what happens. If I'm still having problems I'll upload a screenshot.